[1] [2] _THe Romans being thus put to their extreame shift, deuised among themselues how to reuoke Furius Ca|millus from exile, whom not long before they had vniust|lie banished out of the citie. In the end they did not one|lie send for him home, but also created him dictator, committing into his handes (so long as his office lasted) an absolute power ouer all men, both of life and death. Camillus forgetfull of the iniurie done to him, and mindfull of his dutie towards his coun|trie, and lamenting the state thereof, without de|lay gathered such an armie as the present time per|mitted.
[1] In the meane time those that kept the capitoll (be|ing almost famished for lacke of vittels) compoun|ded with Brenne and Beline, that for a thousand pounds weight in gold,A composition the Romans should re|déeme their liberties, and the said Brenne and Be|line depart with their armie out of the citie and all the territories of Rome. But at the deliuerie of the monie, and by a certeine kind of hap, the Romans name was preserued at that time from such dishonor and ignominie as was likelie to haue insued. For some of the couetous sort of the Galles, not conten|ted with the iust weight of the gold, did cast their swords also into the balance where the weights lay, thereby to haue ouer weight: wherevpon the Ro|mans refused to make paiment after that weight.
[1] And thus whilest they were in altercation about this matter, the one importunnate to haue, the other not willing to grant, the time passed, till in the meane season Camillus came in amongst them with his power,Camillius [...]appointeth the Galles of their poimet commanding that the gold should be had away, and affirming that without consent of the dictator, no composition or agréement might be con|cluded by the meaner magistrate. He gaue a signe to the Galles to prepare themselues to battell, wher|vnto they lightlie agréed, and togither they went. The battell being once begun, the Galles that looked earst for gold, and not for battell,The Galles ouerthrowne. were easilie ouer|come, such as stood to the brunt were slaine, and the rest by flight constreined to depart the citie.
[1] Polybius writeth, that the Galles were turned from the siege of the citie, through wars which chan|ced amongst their owne people at home, and there|fore they concluded a peace with the Romans, and leauing them in libertie returned home againe.
[1] But howsoeuer the matter passed, thus much haue we stept from our purpose, to shew somwhat of that noble and most famous capteine Brennus, who (as not onelie our histories, but also Giouan Villani the Florentine dooth report) was a Britaine, and brother to Beline (as before is mentioned) although I know that manie other writers are not of that mind, affir|ming him to be a Gall, and likewise that after this present time of the taking of Rome by this Bren|nus 110 yeares, or there abouts, there was another Brennus a Gall by nation (say they) vnder whose conduct an other armie of the Gals inuaded Grecia, which Brennus had a brother that hight Belgius, although Humfrey Llhoyd and sir Iohn Prise doo flat|lie denie the same, by reason of some discordance in writers, & namelie in the computation of the yeares set downe by them that haue recorded the dooings of those times, whereof the error is growen. Howbeit I doubt not but that the truth of this matter shall be more fullie sifted out in time by the learned and stu|dious of such antiquities. But now to our purpose.
[1] This is also to be noted, that where our histories make mention, that Beline was abroad with Bren|nus in the most part of his victories, both in Gallia, Germanie,Titus Li [...]. Polydor. and Italie; Titus Liuius speaketh but onlie of Brennus: wherevpon some write, that after the two brethren were by their mothers intreatance made friends, Brennus onlie went ouer to Gallia, and there through proofe of his woorthie prowesse, at|teined to such estimation amongst the people called Galli Senones, that he was chosen to be their generall capteine at their going ouer the mountaines into Italie. But whether Beline went ouer with his bro|ther, and finallie returned backe againe,Matth. West. leauing Brennus behind him, as some write, or that he went not at all, but remained still at home whilest his bro|ther was abroad, we can affirme no certeintie.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Most part of all our writers make report of manie woorthie deeds accomplished by Beline, in repairing of cities decaied, & erecting of other new buildings, to the adorning and beautifieng of his realme and kingdome. Polyehr. Gal. M. Caerleon. wiske built by Beline. And amongst other works which were by him erected, he builded a citie in the south part of Wales, neare to the place where the riuer of Uske falleth into Seuerne, fast by Glamorgan, which citie hight Caerleon, or Caerlegion Ar Wiske. This Caerleon was the principall citie in time past of all Demetia, now called Southwales. Manie notable [page 19] monuments are remaining there till this day, testi|fieng the great magnificence and roiall building of that citie in old time. In which citie also sith the time of Christ were thrée churches, one of saint Iulius the martyr, an other of saint Aron, and the third was the mother church of all Demetia, and the chiefe sée: but after, the same sée was translated vnto Meneuia, (that is to say) saint Dauid in Westwales. In this Caerleon was Amphibulus borne, who taught and instructed saint Albon.
[1] [2] [3] [4] This Beliue also builded an hauen, with a gate o|uer the same,Fabian. within the citie of Troinouant now called London, in the summitie or highest part wher|of afterwards was set a vessell of brasse, in the which were put the ashes of his bodie, which bodie after his deceasse was burnt, as the maner of burieng in those daies did require. This gate was long after called Belina gate,Iohn Leland. and at length by corruption of lan|guage Billings gate. He builded also a castell east|ward from this gate (as some haue written) which was long time after likewise called Belins castell, and is the same which now we call the tower of Lon|don. Thus Beline studieng dailie to beautifie this land with goodlie buildings and famous workes,The tower of London built by Beline. at length departed this life, after he had reigned with his brother iointlie and alone the space of 26 yeres.