Appendix B.1 Faults and ouerſights eſcaped in the printing of this ſecond vo|lume of the Hiſtorie of Englande.

Faults and ouerſights eſcaped in the printing of this ſecond vo|lume of the Hiſtorie of Englande.

Theſe and diuerſe other ouerſightes and faultes, gentle reader I truſt than doeſt conſider may eaſily eſcape in ſo large a volume as this, and therefore beſeech thee of pardon, and that it may pleaſe thee to correct the ſame, as in reading it may fortune thee too meete with them, or any other the like.

For the Table, this I haue to ad|uertiſe the Reader, that as it was ga|thered by ſundrie perſons, ſo is there ſome diſorder in the placing thereof, which leyſure would not permit to diſ|poſe ſo as wee coulde haue wiſhed, by reaſon of the printers haſt.

And where as in the pictures of bat|tails, ther are in ſundrie places gunnes before the inuention of that kind of en|gine, whereby the reader may eſteeme ſome error, and deſirous peraduenture to know when they came firſt in vſe, he ſhal vnderſtand that we read not of a|ny to bee put in practiſe, till the yeare 1380, in the warres betwixt the Vene|tians and Genoweys, at Chiozza.

FINIS. [page 1493]