Appendix B.1 Faults and ouerſights eſcaped in the printing of this ſecond
vo|lume of the Hiſtorie of Englande.
Faults and ouerſights eſcaped in the printing of this ſecond
vo|lume of the Hiſtorie of Englande.
- PAge. 291. col. 2. line laſt, for and ru|lers, read the rulers.
- Page 29 [...]. col. 2. line. 37. for willing read vnwilling.
- Page 304. col. 2. line laſt, for returne, read remoue.
- Pag. 305. col. 1. line 2. for his, read this
- Page. 307. col. 1 line 53. for fierceneſſe, read ſucceſſe.
- Ead. col. 2. line 24. for choſe, read vſed.
- Pag. 317. col. 2. line 29. for his, read this
- Page 319 col. 1. line 58. at the firſt at all, put out at the
- Page 322. col. 1. line 37. for reproche, read approche.
- Page 326. col. 1. line 2. for his compli|ces, read the Erles
- Page 330. col. 1. line 32. for it was, read they were.
- Page 355. col. 2. line 30. for Rheynes. read Reimes.
- page 363. col 1. li. 6. for a ſharper head, read a leſſer or ſmaller
- page 367. col 2. line. 24. for aboute the lord Geffrey, read by the L.
- page 386. co. 1. ouer againſt the laſt line the yeares are too bee
placed thus. Anno reg. 18.1153. for the yeare of our Lorde.
- page 398. col. 2. ouer agaynſte the laſt line, in the mergent, for
Anno reg. 6 read Anno reg. 5.
- page 399. although it be wrongly nũ|bred. 389. col. 2. ouer againſt
the .50. line, in the mergent, for 0911. read 1160.
- page 400. col. 2. in the mergent ouer a|gainſt the 37. line, for Anno
reg. 17. read Anno reg. 7
- page 401. although wrongly numbred 403. col. 1. in the mergent ouer
againſt the 45. line, for Anno reg. 6. read 8.
- page 403. col. 2 line 26. for with the cõ|cluſion, read according to
the con|cluſion.
- The ſame page and columne, line 29. for when, read where.
- page 404 col. 2 line 4. for baſtard ſonne, put out baſtard.
- page 407. col. 2. in the mergent ouer a|gainſt the 55. line, place.
Anno reg. 11
- page 408. col. 2. in the mergent ouer a|gainſt the 24. line, note Anno
reg. 12. and ouer againſt the .26. line 1166. for the yeare of our
- page 435. col. 1. line 40. and 41. for Ro|bert Ferrers Earle of Derby
read Robert Erle Ferrers.
- page 473. col. 2. The firſt worde of the ſeconde Epitaph, for
Tumuli, read Tumulum. In the ſeconde verſe of the
ſame, for
[...]u [...]ficer [...]t, read ſuff [...]cerat
- pa. 485. col. 1. line. 33. for Vizeley, read Vezelay.
- page 487. col. 2. line 31. for away of bat|taile, read array of
- page. 492. col. 1. line 3. as hee vttered. put out as.
- page 497. col. 1. line 51. for prepared, read preferred.
- The ſame page, col. 2. line 40. for By|ſhop, read Biſhops.
- page 511. col. 1. line 19. for and, read he.
[page 1492] page 511. co. 2. line 37. and 38. for part|ly that, read
partly for that.
- page 512. co. 1. line 10, for with the pre|cinct, read within the
- Ead. col. 1. line 54. in ſtead of, for being, read from being.
- page 521 col. 2. line 52. and 53. for the o|ther rebels, read the
other rebell.
- page 536. col. 1. line 31. for of Fraunce, read in Fraunce.
- The ſame page, col. 2. line 34. for waſt and veniſon, read vert and
- page 537. co. 2. line laſt ſaue one, for and ſeuen C. read beſide
ſeuen E.
- page 538. col. 1. line 1. for all the while, read all this
- pa. 552. co. 1. line 26. for Liſle Donely, read Liſle Dandeli.
- page [...]62. col. 1. line 3. in the meane time that theſe, put out
- page eadem, col. 2. line 33. for Butig|nan, read Luſignan.
- page 572. col. 2. line 30. put out vnto him alſo.
- pa. 576. co. 1. li. 28. for matiae, read matri
- page 585. col. 1. line 6. for Biſhop, read Biſhops.
- page 599. col. 1. line 46. for Buncham, read Drincham.
- page. 605. col. 1. line 38. for ſeuen, reade ſeuentene.
- page ead. col. 2. line 6. for about read a|bout him.
- page 606. col. 2 li. 37. for Knateſburgh, read Knareſburgh.
- page. 606. col. 2. line 1. put out in Staf|fordſhire.
- page 609. col. 2. line 44. for Godardule, read Godaruile.
- page 616. col. 2. line 24. for felicitie, read hoſtilitie.
- The ſame page and co. ouer againſt the 23. line, write in the mergent.
- page 923 col. 1. line. 37. for their liber|ties read the
- page. 627. col. 1. line. 12. for Louguile, read Longuile.
- pa. 629. co. 1. l. 43. for remoue, read renue
- pa. 645. co. 2. li. 46. put out worthie to be
- page 646. co. 2. lin. [...]7. for he, read they.
- page 650. col. 2. line 49. for Meſthems, read Meſcheins.
- page 651. co. 1. lin. 10 for firſt, read fift.
- p. 656. c. 1. l 39 for the .xiiij. read ye xxiiij
- Ea. col. 1. li. 57. for canons, read chanõs
- page 658. col. 2. lin. 36. from theſe, read from thence.
- pa. 670. wrong folied. 700. col. 2. line. 44. for and others, read as
- page 715. col. 2. lin. 10. for charges, read Churches.
- pa. 729. c. 1. li. 25. for arras read Artois.
- page 733. col. 2. line 15. for two s. of ſil|uer, read two. s of
ſiluer by the day.
- pa. 761. col. 2. l 52. for theſe, read thence
- page 768. col. 1. line 19. for Monthe|niſey read Montechenſie.
- pag. 770. col. 2. li. 58. for to make againſt them, read to make warre
againſt thẽ
- pag. 773. co. 1 li. 43. for Richard South well, read Robert
- page 781 col. 1. line. 50. for the prince, read that prince.
- page 786, col. 2. in the mergent ouer a|gainſt the .27. line, for
Mountfort, read Leyceſter.
- Pag. 788. col 2. in the mergent ouer a|gainſt the .42. line, for
Yorke, reade Canterburie.
- Pa 789. co. 1. lin. 2 [...]. and made knight, put it out.
- Page 790. col. 2. line 31. the ſaid Lord, put out ſayd.
- Pa. 796. co. 1. [...] ye mergent ouer againſt the 24. line, for Briſtow faire, reade
Boſton faire.
- Pa. 808. c. 1. l 27. he there, put out there
- Ead. col. 1. line 36. for ceaſſe, read ſeiſe
- Ea. c. 2. l. 9. for Turnim, read Turmin
- Eadem, col. 2. line 15. for all, read that
- Ead. col. 2. line 33. for and other, reade and the other.
- Pa. 823. c. 1. in the mergẽt oueragainſt ye. 20. l. for K. Iohn,
read K. Edward
- Page 840. col. 1. line 52. for contemptu, read comitatu.
- The ſame page and columne, line 58. for mercariis, read
- Pa. 843. c. 1. l. 5. for Hẽry, read Hũfrey
- Page 844. col. 1. line 5. for accuſed, read accurſed.
- Pa. 845 col. 1. line 24. for might come, read might not come.
- Pa. 847. c. 2. li. 15. for lord chamberlain of the realme, read Lord
Chamber|laine of his houſe.
- Pa. 858. c. 1. l. 14. for high chamberlein of Englande, read high
chamberleyn of the kings houſe.
- P. 873. c. 1. li. 28. for Hẽry read Herny
- Page 891. col. 1. line 20. for Earle of Marche, read Earle
- Page 895. co. 2. li. 15. for Gleanor, read Elizabeth.
- P. 897. c. 2. l. 8. for ſcepter, read charter
- Ead. col. 1. lin. 11. for kings, read king
- Page 905. col. 2. line 2. for Bethon, read Bethuine.
- Page 909. col. 1. line 5. for Peter, adde thereto, or rather as ſome
bookes haue, Nichol Bahuchet
- Page 912. co. 2. line 50. for the towne, read the tower.
- Page 917. for Counteſſe of Richmond read of Mõtfort, for as I take it
ſhe was not counteſſe til after that time.
- Page 923. col. 1. line 1. and ſo the dia|metre or compaſſe, read thus:
and ſo the diametre, that is the ſpace ouer|thwart the circle or
- The ſame page, col. 2. line 58. for Hen|rie duke of Lancaſter, reade
Henrie Earle of Lancaſter, for he was not created duke till the .27.
yeare of king Edwarde the thirdes raigne as ap|peareth.
- Page 937. col. 2. line firſt, for Earle of Norffolke, read Earles of
Norffolk and warwike, for ſo hath one copie of Robert Aueſbury, although
as I take it, there was no Earle of Norf|folke at that ſeaſon.
- Page. 962. col. 1 line 48. for Richmont read Montfort.
- Page 967. col. 2. line 13. and 14. for ſte|ward of England, read
ſtewarde of the kings houſe.
- P. 969. co. 1. li. 31. to the ſea, put out to.
- Page 990. in the mergent, for ſir Si|mon Minſterworth, read ſir Iohn
- Page 1004. col. 1. li 56. for Bond, read Baude.
- Pa. 1006. co. 1. line 10. for benedicat de read
benedicat to.
- p. 1010. c. 1. l. 33. for abroad read abourd
- Pag. 1012. col. 2. line 27. for partakers read partaker.
- Pa. 1049. c. 2. line 1 for Hartelle, read Hartecelle, for ſo hath
- Pa. 1051. col. 2. li. 11. for yoi, read yuo.
- Ea. co. 2. li. 47. for Deberoux read De|ueroux.
- Pa. 1073. c. 2. li. 28. for erle, read erles.
- Ea. c. 2. li. 2. for returned, read reformed
- Pag. 1097. co. 2. lin. 29. and .30. for earle of Marſhal the duke,
read erle mar|ſhall duke.
- Page 1098. col. 1. lin. 30. for Edmonde read Edward.
- Pa. 1108. col. 2. lin. 55. Holt caſtell put in the mergent, I take it
not to bee Holt caſtell, but rather Beeſton, as by the circumſtances of
the ſituation it ſhould appeare.
- Page 1110. col. 2. line 10. for comming read communing.
- Pa. 1117. col. 1. li. 8. for his, read theirs
- Page 1124. col. 1. line 58. for following in this wiſe, read in this
wiſe fol|lowing.
- p. 1138. c. 2. l. 13. for Brone read Brone
- Page 1139. col. 2. line 24. for ſir Blunt read ſir walter
- Page 1147. col. 2. line 1. for townes, read as of the townes.
- Page 1150. col. 1. line. 17. for he ſhould, read they ſhould.
- Page 1153. col. 1. line firſt vnder the picture, for his kings, read
this kings
- Page 1156. col. 2. li. 32. for Augus, read Angus, and ſo in other
places where ye finde the u for the n.
- Page 1158. col. 1. line. 17. for caſteau Chinou, read chaſteau
- Page 1174. co. 2. li. 31. for nor, read or
- Page 1180. co. 2. line 27. for diuine per|ſecution, read
- Page 1187. col. 2. line 13. for Kirkeley, read Kikeley, or
- Pa. 1205. c. 2. l. 27. for xl. M. read lx. M
- Page 1212. co. 2 line 26. for which was read which were.
- Page 1214. col. 1. line 37, and 38. for la Marche, read le
- Page. 1218. co. 1. line 30. for 38. read 36
- Page 1236. col. 1. line 48. At the ſame time, put out the period
before at, and make it a comma, and the capitall A would be a ſmall
- Page 1249. col 2. li. 18. for Motaigne read Mortaigne.
- Page 12 [...]4. col 2. line 1. for this indu|bitate, read the indubitate.
- The ſame page and columne, lin. 30. for Neures, read Neuers.
- Page 1262. col. 2. liue 56. ſent the Lord Fauconbridge, read ſent the
Lorde Talbot, with the L. Fauconbridge.
[page 1492] Page 1265 col. 1 line 24. for Captain, rede Captaines. The
ſame page col. 2 liue 14 for taking, rede takẽ.
- Page 1258 col. 2 liue 19 for Frauncis Sureymes, rede Francois de
- Page 1258 col. 2 line 27 but ſteaderly manned, adde tooke reſolution
[...] attempt the gaming therof in this order.
- Page 1268 although wrongly noted 1276 col. 2 line 13 for by them, rede
by him.
- Page 1275 co. 2 line 37 for deuie, rede deuice.
- Page 1277 wrongly marked 1269 col. 2 line 14 for aduancers, reade
- Page 1280 col. 1 line 18 put out and other places.
- Page 1290 col. 2 line 24 for Burſtli|er, reade Burcheir.
- Page 1295 col. 1 line 27 of the Duke put out of.
- Page 1297 col. 1 line firſt, all things, adde to all things.
- Page 1305 col. 1 line 48 for prickes, reade prickers.
- Page 1310 col. 2 line 31 for of the ar|my, reade of the ſame.
- Page 1317 col. 1 line 43 for King the ſeuenth, rede King Henry the
- Page 1319 colum. 1 line 3 for with hir perſon, rede with the perſon of
the eldeſt.
- Page 1335 col. 1 line 16 and in ſkir|miſhing put out and.
- Page 1340 col. 2 line 20 for Louſtro|ther, reade Longſtrother.
- Page 1344 col. 1 lin. 7 for reademp|tion rede readeption.
- Page 1345 col. 1 line 54 for Bathe, reade Booth.
- Page 1348 colum. 1 line 30 for Lorde Haward, read Howard, and ſo in
other places.
- Page 1381 col. 1 in the margente ouer againſte thẽ 14. line, note,
this was Thomas Burder of Arrowe in the Countie of Warwike eſquier, who
ſuffered about the .xvij. yeare of K. Edwarde the fourth, and no Citi|zen
of Lõdon, as ſome haue wrõg|ly enterliued this place.
- Page 1426 colum. 2 line 9 for in this time, reade in the time. The
ſame page & colum line 28 for did, rede he did.
- Page 1429 col. 1 line 38 and ſhortly after hee went, put it out, and
the three next lines, for Prince Arthur was not borne till September, in
ye third yere of his fathers raigne, as after it appeareth.
- Page 1435 col. 1 line 22 for lend rede lewde. The ſame page and colum
in the Margent, ouer againſte the eight and twentieth line, write the
yeare of the K. thus. Anno Regni. 5
- Page 1436 col. 2 line 24. for helding reade heading.
- Page 1437 col. 1 line 2 for with good, reade with his good.
- Page 1440 col. 2 line 44 the birthe of King Henry the eyght there
no|ted, ſhould haue bin placed before the Kings going to
- Page 1442 wher Anno Regni is pla|ced ouer againſte the 37
line of the firſte colum, it ought to be ouer a|gainſt the ſeauẽth line
of the ſame page and colum.
- Page 1454 col. 1 line 43 for woulde make, reade would not make.
- Page 1457 col. 1 lin 12 for went, rede and therevpon to goe. The ſame
page col 2 line 51, The yeare of our Lord 1502 is to be referred to their
accompte that begin the yeare the 25. of March.
- Page 1465 col. 2 line 49 for after with, reade after which.
- Page 1472 col. 2 line 18 for Haward reade Howard, and ſo in all other
- Page 1477 col. 1. line 4. for trapped, reape grapled. The ſame page
& ſecond col. ſir Edwarde, adde Ho|ward.
- Page 1484 col. 1 line 3 nexte vnder the picture, for thoſe, reade for
whẽ thoſe.
- Page 1495 col. 1 line 38 for two and thirtie Crownes, reade [...]2000 crownes.
- Page 1504 col. 2 line 5 for Campe is reade Campeius.
- Page 1510 col. 2 line 58 for aunſwers reade aunſwerers.
- Page 1515 col. 2 lin 36. for the dukes words, rede the Monkes
- Page 1522 col. 2 line 18 and in Octo|ber, put out and.
- Page 1527 col. 2 line 34 and 35. for fiue hundred, reade two or three
- Page 1529 col 1 lin. 17 their hauntes rede their hands.
- Page 1540 though wrõg noted 1548 colum. 1 line 1 for Cardinals, reade
- Page 1542 col. 1 line 5 beſieching, reade beſiech. The ſame page col.
2 line 29 is of, rede is one of.
- Page 1544 col. 2 line 51 no longer, put out no.
- Page 1567 col. 1 line 41 for Rebells, rede Rebellious.
- Page 1590 col. 1 line 15 for Townon reade Towmond. The ſame page and
col. line 12 for Claurickforde, reade Clanrickard.
- Page 1591 col. 2 line 23 for Iuano, reade Ariano.
- Page 1594 col. 1 line 16 for Lance|ſton, reade Laureſton. The ſame
page and col. line 30 for Minees, reade Mine [...]s. The ſame Page and colum line 45 for Mary, rede Margaret.
- In the regiſter of their names that were made Knights at Leith anno
1544 for Sir Iohn Cleere, reade Sir Thomas Cleere.
- Page 1601. col. 2 line 2 for Halidon rigge, reade Panner Hugh, and
likewiſe in the Margent.
- Page 1648 col. 1 line 34. by the ad|uice his Vncle, reade by the
ad|uice of his Vncle.
- Page 1656 col. 1 line 52. Ye ſhal here note for the further
vnderſtãding of the ſuppreſſion of this Rebelli|on in Deuonſhire, that
there were diuers ſkirmiſhes and encounters betwixte the Kings army,
vnder the Lord priuie ſeale, and the ſaid Rebelles, as fyrſte at
Honington bridge, before the comming of the Lord Grey of wilton, and
after his comming at a place caſted Grendones Mille in woodbury pariſh,
and then at Clift, where a|mongſt other, ſir william Fraun|cis ſeruing
verye forwardlye a|gainſte the Rebels, caught ſuche hurtes that he dyed
therof ſhortly after when the Rebels had bene here repulſed, and put to
flighte, the Lord priuie ſeale with the ar|mye remoued firſt to Topeſham,
where they buried Sir william Francis, and the nexte day, beeing the
ſyxth of Auguſt, they came to [...]xcete [...], where they encamped without the walles, and immedi|ately thither
came the Maiſter of the Horſes, Sir William Herbert with a thouſand
Welchmẽ. They remayned heere at Exeter about a twelue dayes, and hauing
ſette things there in ſome order, they marched forthe towardes Samp|ford
Courtney, and at their com|ming thither, found a great num|ber of the
Rebelles there aſſem|bled, and wilfully bente to trie their quarrell by
hazard of battel, ſo that no ſmall number of them were there ſlayne and
taken, the reſt fledde, after whome were ſent to purſue them, Sir Peter
Ca|row, Sir Hugh Paulet, Sir Ga|wen Carewe, and others, who o|uertaking
them at kings weſton, eaſily ouerthrowe them, and thys was the laſt fyght
whiche was had againſt the Rebels of Deuonſhire and Cornewall. The number
of them that were ſlayne in this Re|bellion in thoſe ſeuerall places
a|fore ſpecifyed, was eſteemed to bee about a three thouſand
- Page 1677 col. 1 line 7 for whyche reade with.
- Page 1714 col. 2 line 38 for Ladye Francis his wife, was the
daugh|ter, reade that was daughter.
- Page 1726 col. 2 put this note in the Margent ouer againſt the .51.
line. Nicholas Laurẽce (as ſome write) but for the more perfect knowlege
hereof, and of ſome other thynges likewiſe by Gods helpe, I truſt to get
ſuche inſtructions, and deliuer the ſame vnto thoſe that ſhall ſet forthe
the nexte Summarie or a|bridgement [page 1493] of the Engliſh
chroni|cles, as maye herein better ſatiſfie the reader.
- Page 1734. col. 2. line 6 for ſir Iohn Rogers, read ſir Edward
- Page 1749. col. 1. line 23. by procure|ment, read by my
- Page 1751. put in the mergent ouer againſte the 31 line. Burdet no
marchant, but an Eſquier in the countie of warwike, although ſome that
printed ſir Thomas Moores hyſtorie of Edwarde the fifth, haue gloſed it
with a wrong parentiſis.
- Page 1766. col. 2. line. 16. and 17. for Hargill, read
- Page 1775. col. 2. line 31. for grated, read grayſed.
- Page 1789. col. 2. lin. 56. for preſſa, read
preſſae, in ſome copies it is amended
- Page 1827 col. 1. lin. 16. put out Mor|ron, for he was not in that
ſkirmiſh. The horſemen were of Nicholas Tremaynes band, whoſe lieutenant
Nicholas Erington was ſhotte through the bodie, and three of hys companie
were ſlaine. Moreouer it is not to be forgotten, that captaine Read had
the general conduct of the field that morning, who ſhewed ſuch prouf of
his approued forwardneſſe, as it well appeared the erle of war|wike vſed
good iudgemente in ma|king choiſe of him and others for the execution of
that enterprice.
- Page 1836. col. 2. line 52. for Longfoille read Loughfoille.
- Page 1841. col. 2. for George, Henrie, and Michaell, read Henrie,
Iohn, and Michaell.
- Page 1842. col. 1. line 5. for xxvij. read xvij.
- Page 1843. col. 1. line 10. for Tiuidale men, read Tindall men.
- Page 1865. col. 1. li. 7. for .xij. yere, read xlij. yeares.
- Page 1867. col. 2. line 46. for Canons read battring peeces.
- Page 1873. col. 1. line. 5. for the Mar+ques, reade and the
- Page 1876 col. 1. line 5. for Thomas Biſhop, read Iohn Biſhop.
Theſe and diuerſe other ouerſightes and faultes, gentle reader I truſt than
doeſt conſider may eaſily eſcape in ſo large a volume as this, and therefore
beſeech thee of pardon, and that it may pleaſe thee to correct the ſame, as
in reading it may fortune thee too meete with them, or any other the
For the Table, this I haue to ad|uertiſe the Reader, that as it was
ga|thered by ſundrie perſons, ſo is there ſome diſorder in the placing
thereof, which leyſure would not permit to diſ|poſe ſo as wee coulde haue
wiſhed, by reaſon of the printers haſt.
And where as in the pictures of bat|tails, ther are in ſundrie places gunnes
before the inuention of that kind of en|gine, whereby the reader may eſteeme
ſome error, and deſirous peraduenture to know when they came firſt in vſe,
he ſhal vnderſtand that we read not of a|ny to bee put in practiſe, till the
yeare 1380, in the warres betwixt the Vene|tians and Genoweys, at