1577 >
Volume 4 >
Back Matter: Section
1 of
A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 1 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1439) [page 1439]
A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
- AAron and Iulius, martyred for ye faith of Chriſt. 88.32
- Aaron a Iew payd to Hen|ry the thyrde thirtie thouſand markes.
- Abell hanged for the ſupremacie 1580.40.
- Aborigines, what they ſignifie. 6.101.
- Aborigines, that there are any con [...]uted. 5.65.
- Abbot of Weſtminſter conſpi|reth againſt Henry ye .4 pag. 1 [...]. col. 1. lin. 5. dyeth ſo|dainly. pa. 1129. col. 1 li. 39
- Abbey of Peterburgh & Crow|land ſpoyled by King Iohn.
- Abbeyes and religious houſes founded by King Iohn. 606.45.
- Abbot of Saint Albons payeth foure ſcore markes to Lewes in ye name of
homage. 610.9.
- Abbey of Lucreſſe cõmõly called delacreſſe built by Radulen Erle of
Cheſter. 618.12.
- Abbots and Priours depriued by Archbyſhop Anſelme, and why.
- Abbot of Weſtminſter Willi|am depoſed for waſting the reuenues of the
houſe, and for inconſtancie. 582.90.
- Abbots & biſhops of Englande not the Miniſters of God, but of the
diuell. 279.115
- Abbot of Hales hanged. pag. 1154. col. 1. line. 2.
- Abbeyes ſearched and ſpoyled by King William. 304.43.
- Abbeyes deſtroyed within the lymites of Mercia. 235.81.
- Abbey Church of Batteil, dedi|cated to S. Martin. 325.36
- Abbay of Amphibalus in Win|cheſter. 109.6.
- Abbeyes let out to ferme. 333.59.
- Abingdon battaile, fought be|tweene the Engliſhmen and Danes with equall
victorie. 213.33.
- Abingdon battaile, one of the foreſt foughten fieldes that had bin hearde
of in thoſe dayes. 213.31.
- Abingdon abbey buylded, and reſtored. 230.54.
- Abingdon Abbey finiſhed, and ſet in good order. 234.7.
- Aburgalieny Lord committed to the tower. 1510.27. con|feſſeth miſpriſon
of treaſon. 1519.45.
- Abuſes of the .124. gouernours of England. 752.6.
- Aburgenny Lord diſtreſſeth the Kentiſhe rebels. 1725.20.
- Alcluid Citie. 194.62.
- Abirnethi, and the peace there concluded. 307.68.
- Abuſe in men too ſhamefull, for wearing lõg haires. 364.53.
- Abſolon a Monke of Canter|burie. 382.97.
- Acca ſucceedeth Wilfride in the Biſhoprick of Hexã. 190 91.
- Act againſt fiſhemõgers. 1040 10. b. repealed. 1042.23. a.
- Alcluid Citie deſtroyed by the Danes. 211.54.
- Achikelmeſlawe, ſpoyled by the Danes. 244.36.
- Acca, daughter to Alla, & ſiſter to Edwine. 155.76.
- Acce of land, how many pear|ches it conteineth. 312.101.
- Achelnotus, Archbyſhop of Cã|torbury. 262.115.
- Adelſtan, Byſhop of Shire|bourne. 206.57.
- Adelſtane putteth his Cupbea|rer to death, for accuſing Ed|wyn, the
kinges brother. 226.9.
- Adelſtane leadeth an armie a|gainſt Aulafe, lying nyghe Humber.
- Adelſtane ſubdueth Northum|berland, and ioyneth it to his kingdome.
- Adelſtane ſonne to King Ed|ward, fleeth the Realme. 224.82.
- Adelſtane leadeth an armie a|gainſt the Scottes, & welch|men.
- Adelſtane inuadeth Scotland with an armie, and waſteth it. 225.67.
- Adelſtane offreth his knife to Saint Iohn of Beuerly, and redeemeth it
with a large price. 225.64.
- Adelſtane repenteth him ſore, of his rigor towards his bro|ther Edwyn.
- Adelſtane, Byſhop of Shyre|burne, departeth this lyfe. 209.72.
- Adelſtans ſwoorde reſtored to the ſ [...]bbard by myracle. [...]26.68.
- Adelſtane departeth out of this world. 226.106.
- Adelſtane, eldeſt ſonne to King Edward, beginneth hys raygne ouer the
moſt part of England. 223.104.
- Adelſtane crowned kyng, at Kingſtone vppon Thames. 224.7.
- Adelſtane, ſomtime called Gur|thrun the Dane, made King of Eaſtangle.
- Adrian Abbot departeth thys lyfe. 190.116.
- Adrian an Italian ſent ambaſ|ſador into Scotland is made biſhop of
Hereford, and after+ward of Welles, and Cardi|nal. 1436.30. reſtoreth good
letters. ibidem.
- Adrian Pope, ſendeth Legates into England. 198.63.
- Adulf, Byſhop of Myeth. 199.3.
- Adelbert ſucceedeth Egbert in the Archbiſhopricke of York. 199.25.
- Adrian ſent into England with Archbiſhop Theodore. 178.38.
- Adrian ſtayed in Fraunce. 178.44.
- Adrian made Abbot of the Mo|naſterie of S. Auguſtines. 178.51.
- Adrian Abbot, excellent well learned. 178.85.
- Adrian buildeth a wal between the Britaines and Scotes. 76.49.
- Adrian the Emperour paſſeth ouer into Britaine, and qui|eteth the Iland.
- Adelwold fleeth into Northum|berland to the Danes. 219.101.
- Adelwold entereth the parties of the Eaſt Angles with a nauie of the
Danes. 220.19
- Adelwold, and many of hys Danes ſlayne. 220.44.
- Adelwold brother to King Ed|ward ſurnamed the Elder ta|keth ye towne of
Winbourne, & maryeth a Nũne. 219.94.
- Adelme, ſucceedeth Pleymond in the Archbyſhoprick of Cã|torburie.
- Adelme Erle moueth a rebelli|on, againſt Cuthred King of Weſt Saxons.
- Adeline with his armie of re|belles, diſcomfited, and par|doned.
- Adelward put to death. 260.43.
- Adelwold, King of Suſſex. 176.89.
- Adelwold, byſhop of Winche|ſter. [...]34.19.
- Adrian refuſeth to be made Archbyſhop of Cantorburie 178.8.
- Adelſtane, ſonne to king Ed|ward borne. 222.113
- Adelſtane ordeyned Byſhop of Saint Germans in Corn|wall. 223.56.
- Adolfe, Earle of Bulleigne. 225.102.
- Adulfe rebelling, is expulſed out of Northumberlande. 224.53.
- Adulfe ſucceedeth Edelwald in the kingdome of Eaſtangles. 177.4.
- Adnothus ſlaine in battayle, by Godwyn and Edmond the great.
- Adarſtone a little towne. page. 1415. col. 1. line. 37. page. 1416. col.
2. line. 27.
- Aduentrers. 1522.5. &. 1529.10. &. 1531.30. &.
34. their ende. 1533.
- Adethelme Erle, ſlayne by the Danes. 206.83
- Aduerſitie promiſeth more, thẽ proſperitie meaneth to per|forme. 27 [...].64.
- Adam Byſhop of Hereford a|reſted. 873.53. b. his Ora|tion to the armie.
879.16. b
- Adela, ſiſter to king Henrie the firſt marryed to Stephen, Earle of
Bloys. 354.113.
- Adela, wife to king Richard the firſt forſaken, and ſent home. 475.15.
&. 491.5.
- Adela, daughter to the French King giuen in mariage to Richard ſonne to
King Hen|rie the ſecond. 438.116.
- Adam Baneſter hanged. 854.19. a.
- Adeline, ordeyned Byſhop of Welles. 223.57.
- Adeliza, daughter to Duke Wil|liam of Normãdie. 283. [...]5.
- Ada, the ſonne of Ida, created King of Brenitia. 140.59.
- Adelicia, daughter to the Duke of Lor [...]yne, marryed to king Henrie the firſt. 358.26.
- Ae [...]woo [...]e, looke, Eltwold.
- Aetius put to death. 121.63.
- Aetius gouernour of Fraunce vnder Honorius the Empe|rour. 101.47.
- Affrica alotted vnto Cham. 1.77.
- Agriculas gouernment [...]th commended. 69.9.
- Agricula ſent Lieutenant into Britaine. 68.57.
- Agricolas fame groweth by neglecting it. 69.4.
- Agricola [...]
[...]mmaunded home to Rome by Domitianus. 73.69.
- Age of king Iohn. 543.26.
- Age of Arthur Duke of Bri|taine. 543.27.
- Ager Anthonie knight is ſlaine fighting valiantly. 1771.30
- Agilbertus returneth into Fraunce, and is made By|ſhop of Paris.
[page 1440] Aguell Henrie, drowned in a tempeſt. 411.94.
- Agnexus and Hubbo brethren, choſen captaines of y Danes 210.77.
- Agnes, daughter to Hugh le Grand, Earle of Paris, ma|ried to Richard the
ſeconde Duke of Normandie. 288.116.
- Ages of the realme of England as the ſtate thereof was vn|der certaine
Princes. 237.94.
- Agencourt battell. page. 1178 col. 2. line. 14.
- Aganippus, one of the Princes of Fraunce, marrieth Cord|dilla, youngeſt
daughter to Leix. 19.113.
- Agendis recouered from the Frenche. 876.38. b.
- Agatha, daughter to Henrie the Emperour, marryed to Ed|ward, ſonne to
king Ed|mond. 259.34.
- Agnes hote burning, vexe the people in England. 242.15
- Aganippus paſſeth into Bri|taine with an armie, and re|ſtoreth Lei [...] to his king|dome. 20.41.
- Agelnothus, Abbot of Glaſten|burie. 297.13.
- Agathyrſes, otherwiſe called Pictes. 13.89.
- Agilbeetus Byſhop commeth into England. 171.61.
- Ayre appeareth red and bur|ning. 353.29.
- Apre Riuar. page. 1310. col. 2. line. 40.
- Aiguillon beſeged by the Frẽch+men. 928.7. b.
- Aimouth furtifyed. 1779.10.
- Ayde agaynſt the Turkes and Infiacis. 552.70.
- Akalon, a riuer in Greece. 11.37.
- Aldred, murtherer of king E|thelbert, ſlayne. 201.68.
- Alrick, ſonne to Herbert, ſlayne. 201.74.
- Alured conſtrained by ye Danes to flie into the fennes of So|merſethire.
- Alure taking vpon him the ha|bite of a M [...]nſtrell, goeth in|to the Daniſh cãpe. 214.34.
- Alured ſetteth ſodainly vppon the Danes, and ſlayeth them 214.54.
- Alfred, ſonne to Egelredus, ar|riueth in England with a great power to
obtayne the crowne. 264.15. & .265.47.
- Alureds armie ſlaine by the Poſt, nyne ſlayne, and the .x. preſerued.
- Alureds eyes put out. 264.32. & .265.98.
- Alured dyeth. 264.34.
- Alureds cruell death, and tor|ments. 266.7.
- Alfrike, Archbyſhop of Yorke. 267.1.
- Alfred helpeth to expulſe the Danes. 269.20
- Alwine or Adwine, Byſhop of Wincheſter, accuſed of in|continencie with
Queene Emma, and impriſoned. 269.59.
- Alered, Archbyſhop of Yorke, obtaineth pardõ for Swaine 270.22.
- Algar, ſonne to Earle Leo|frike. 272.23.
- Algar made Earle of Oxford. 275.6.
- Aldred Byſhop of Worceter, ſent for Edward, ſonne to King Edmond
Ironſide. 276.1.
- Algar baniſhed the Realme. 276.13.
- Algar ioyning himſelfe to the Welchme, inuadeth the En|liſhe borders wyth
a nauie. 276.16.
- Algar pardoned, and reſtored to his Earldome. 276.58.
- Algar ſuccedeth his father in the Earldome of Cheſter, and Mercia.
- Algar accuſed of treaſon, and agayne exiled the land. 277. 41.
- Algar returneth into England with a power of men, and re|couereth his
Earldome by force. 277.50.
- Albania lyeth Northward, be|yonde Humber. 16.48.
- Albion, when this Iland firſt ſo called. 5.45. & .6.30.
- Alderman of London ſetteth forth a fleete. 1009.19. b.
- Alchfled, daughter to king Oſ|wy. 172.21.
- Alfwen, daughter to Ethelfleda diſinherited. 222.55.
- Alexander King of Scotes ma|ryeth the ladye Margaret daughter to Henry
the third 727.22.
- Alfred ſucceedeth his brother Ecgfride in the kingdome of Northũberland.
- Alfred, an excellent Philoſo|pher. 185.95.
- Alferd departeth this lyfe. 185. 114.
- Aldiminus, looke Ealdbright.
- Allerton caſtle, made playne with the ground. 445.21.
- Aluredes diligence, in deuiding the day and night vnto ſeue|rall
purpoſes. 218.43.
- Alureds laſt wil, and the imploſ|ing of his goods to godlye purpoſes.
- Alured obteyneth a part of the kingdome of Mercia. 218. 110.
- Aldhelme ordeyned Byſhop of Shirebourne. 190.10.
- Alrike ſucceedeth his brother Ethelbert in the kingdome of Kent.
- Alrike ouerthrowen in battaile by the Mercians. 191.91.
- Aldwine, Byſhop of Lichfeild. 191.99.
- Aldwolfe, Byſhop of Rocheſter. 191.100.
- Aleria called Alize in Burgogne by whom builded. 6.45.
- Alfin ſucceedeth Odo in ye Arch|byſhoprike of Canterburye, and
- Aulafe & Godfrey, ſuccede their father Sithrike, in the king|dome
of Northumberlande. 224.55.
- Aulafe and Godfrey, making warre vppon king Adelſtane are driuen out of
their coun|trey. 224.59.
- Altred ſucceeded Molle in the kingdome of Northumber|land. 196.30.
- Altred expulſed out of his king|dome. 196.31.
- Aldulfe, ſonne to Boſa ſlayne. 196.39.
- Alfreda propheſieth her mother Quendreds deſtruction. 196 9.
- Alfreda profeſſeth hirſelfe a Nunne. 197.15.
- Algar falleth in loue with Friſ|wive, and would rauiſh her.
- Algar ſuddeinly ſtroken blynde. 198.56.
- Alſwold, king of Northumber|land. 198.67.
- Alfreds treaſon againſt Adel|ſtane, and his death. 224.13.
- Alfreds landes giuen to God, and S. Peter. 224.30.
- Alured or Alfrede, ſucceedeth his brother Etheldred in the kingdome of
Weſt Saxons, and ouer the more part of England. 211.82.
- Alured ſacred king, at Rome by the Pope. 207.28. & .211
- Alured goeth with ſpeede forth with an armie againſt the Danes.
- Alewine ſent Ambaſſador vnto Charles the great. 195.43.
- Alured departeth this lyfe, and is buryed at Wincheſter. 216.104.
- Aluredes iſſue. 216.106.
- Alured ſendeth preſentes to Rome by way of Deuotion. 217.44.
- Alured ſendeth preſentes to the body of S. Thomas in In|dia.
- Aldegate and Byſhops gate aſ|ſaulted by Baſtard Fancon|bridge. page.
1342. col. 1. line. 52.
- Alexander king of Scots com|meth into England to Wod|ſtock, and doth
homage there to Henry the third. 743.17.
- Alwynne, concubine to Kyng Cuate, daughter to Alſelme. 262.81.
- Alane Ecle of Britaine, crea|ted Earle of Richmonde. 301.44.
- Alexander Byſhop of Lincolne, flyeth into Scotland. 303.22.
- Alditha daughter to Earle Or|mus, marryed to king Au|lafe. 227.69.
- Aldredus Archbyſhop of Yorke. 222.48.
- Albion the Giant arryueth in Britaine. 5.25.
- Alchfride, ſonne to Oſwy. 175.55.
- Alectus ſlaine, and his armie diſcomfited by the Britaines. 82.20.
- Aldroenus aideth the Britaines in great Britaine vpon con|dition.
- Alclud citie now decayed, buil|ded. 18.15.
- Albion ſlaine by Heroul [...]s in Caſſia. 16.14.
- Alfred, wife to king Edgar, de|parteth this life. 232.52.
- Alfred, daughter to Horgerius Duke of Cornewall a dam|ſell of excellent
beautie. 232.57.
- Alfred married to Earle Ethel|wold. 232.83.
- Alfred marryed to king Edgar, after the death of Ethel|wold.
- Aldgitha Queene, ſent away from London to Cheſter. 291.35.
- Aldred Archbyſhop of Yorke, ſubmitteth himſelfe to king William.
- Almaricus a Deacon, betray|eth Canterburie to the Danes. 246.7.
- Alda, ſiſter to Vter Pendragon marryed to Conran kyng of Scots.
- Alexander the .3. king of Scots doth homage to the king of England. 825.
lin. 54. b.
- Albion, not ſo called of Albina. 8.70.
- Alnewicke caſtle. 324.64.
- Allowãce for the king of Scots alwayes, at his comming vn|to the
Engliſhe court. 518.39.
- Almaine Campe a fort yelded to the Frenchmen. 1696.10
- Alphouſe Duke of Calabre choſen knight of the garter. 1440.30.
- Alexander Byſhop of Lincolne Nephew or ſonne to Roger Byſhop of
Saliſburie, com|mitted to priſon. 371.65.
- Albericke, made gouernour of Northumberland. 312.47.
- Alſtane, Biſhop of Sh [...]reburue, a wariour. 203.55.
- Aluredes kingdome bounded. 214.110.
- Alſwaldes ſonnes myſerably ſlayne. 201.34.
- Alſled, daughter to Offa, mar|ried to K. Ethelhet. 201.43.
[page 1440] Aldermen ſeuen dyed within .x. monethes, 1837.30.
- Albemarle caſtle wonne by the Frenchmen, and ruinated flat to the ground.
- Albert Duke of Saxon taketh Dam by ſleight. 1438. 10. wynneth the towne
of Scluſe. ibidem.
- Alfredes deede in procuring king Edwardes death, in no wiſe excuſable.
- Alpher eaten to death with lice, 237.46.
- Aldemarle Wyl. baſtard ſonne to Robert Earle of Northũ|berland.
- Aldane Giles, conſecrated By|ſhop of Saint Nynian in Scotland.
- Albaney William Erle of Arn|dell dyeth. 622.5.
- Alaine Duke of Britaine. 372.10.
- Albanact ſlayne. 16.72.
- Charles of Alanſon ſlaine at Creſſy. 934.32. b.
- Albemarle caſtle burned. 468.8.
- Albanact, third ſonne to Brute. 16.33.
- Alfonſe king of Caſtill requy|reth ayde of Henry the third againſt his
natural brother Richard king of Almaigne. 747.58. he is denyed aide as an
vnreaſonable requeſt. 747.60.
- Alured, ſonne to king Ethel|wolfus, ſent to Rome. 207.26.
- Albina, none of Danaus daugh+ters names. 8.69.
- Algar, ſonne to Duke Alfrike, his eyes put out. 240.44.
- Allerton caſtle. 436.28.
- Alanſon beſeiged and yelded to Henry the fifth page. 1190. col. 1. line.
- Alfrike ſucceedeth his father Alpher in the Dukedome of Mercia, and is
afterwarde banniſhed. 238.46.
- Alfride Earle, high Admiral of a nauie againſt the Danes. 240.11.
- Alfrike turneth from his owne countrey, to the Danes. 240.21.
- Alfrikes ſhip taken, and he him|ſelfe reconciled to king E|gelredes
fauour. 240.38.
- Alſwine, brother to king Ecg|fride ſlaine. 182.95.
- Alfredes horſes wyll not go to the place where king Ed|ward lyeth.
- Alfred repenteth herſelfe for murthering king Edward. 237.23.
- Alpher Duke of Mercia, de|parteth this life. 238.44.
- Albinus the famous Clearke, wrote a booke agaynſt the worſhipping of
Images. 199.55.
- Alnewike Caſtle beſeiges. pag. 1315. col. 1. line. 23.
- Alchfride, brother in lawe to Peda. 173.29.
- Archdeaconries not to be ſet to ferme. 340.60.
- Aldred Archbyſhop of Yorke departeth this life. 300.39.
- Albeney William captayne of Rocheſter Caſtle. 592.65.
- Albemarle towne beſieged by the Earle of Flaunders, and taken.
- Aldermen firſt choſen in the ci|tie of London. 479.53.
- Arſacide, a wicked generation of Saraſtus. 781.76.
- Alcoch Iohn Byſhop of Ely foundeth Ieſus Colledge. 1462.51.
- Alban martyred for the faith of Chriſt. 88.2.
- Alfred profeſſeth her ſelfe a Nunne. 237.31.
- Album monaſterium. 571.41.
- Albert de Suma, ſent Legate from the Pope into Eng|land. 451.83.
- Aluergne Earledome inuaded and waſted by king Henrie the ſecond.
- Albanye allotted to Albanact, now called Scotlãd. 16.44.
- Allegations made by the Frẽch king Phillip to the Popes Legate
concerning his ay|ding of the barons of Eng|land againſt king Iohn. 598
- Aldwyne, a Monke. 307.103.
- Alſwyn, a Monke. 307.103.
- Alba Siluius, the eleuẽth king of Italy. 17.105.
- Albemarle in Normandie ta|ken by king William Ru|fus. 321.58.
- Alectus ſent from Rome to ſub|due Caranſius. 81.87.
- Alectus taketh vpõ him the go|uernmẽt of Britaine. 81.96
- Alnewike beſieged by the ſcots, but in vaine. 434.1.
- Alnewike battaile, fought by the Engliſhmen againſt the Scottes.
- Alerium Caſtle, deliuered to king Henry the ſecõd. 410.6.
- Aldayne Byſhop of Durham. 241.18.
- Alberike Byſhop of Hoſtia, the Popes Legate in England. 371.26.
- Alice, eldeſt daughter to Hu|bert Earle of Morieune, af|fianced to Iohn,
youngeſt ſonne to king Henry the ſe|cond. 423.58.
- Alla, looke Ella.
- Aldroenus, king of little Bri|taine. 102.30.
- Alpher, Duke of Mercia, ta|keth part for the aduauncing of Egelredus to
the crowne of England. 235.48.
- The Duke of Albanie leuieth a power. 1522.3.
- Aldrede Abbot of Lindeſſerne. 219.41.
- Ambition and Simonie in two Monkes reproued by kyng William Rufus.
- Ambaſſadours ſent from the Britaines into little Britaine for ayde.
- Ambrei, nowe called Saliſ|burie. 118.36.
- Amphitrita, wyfe to Neptune God of the ſeas. 5.20.
- Ambaſſadours.pag. 1125. col. 2. line. 30. pag. 1131. col. 1. line. 15.
page. 1135. col. 2. line. 41. page. 1155. col. 1. line. 20.
- Ambaſſadors ſent by king Iohn to the Pope to ſhewe him of the Rebellion
of the nobles. 591.52. They ſhewe theyr meſſage to the Pope. 591. 100. and
receyue anſwere. 592.14. they returne into England. 592.45.
- Ambaſſadours ſent againe by king Iohn to the Pope to ſhewe him that the
barons reſiſt his order. 592.69.
- Ambreſburie Nunrie buyl|ded. 237.30.
- Ammianus Marcellinus cy|ted. 96.94. & .102.74.
- Amphibulus, where borne. 27.108.
- Ambaſſadours into Fraunce for peace. 1079.30. b.
- Ambaſſadors ſent into France. 558.6.
- Ambaſſadours ſent from Ro|uen to king Iohn. 559.9.
- Ambaſſadours ſent from kyng Iohn to the Emperour. 560.35.
- Ambaſſadours into Germanie for a mariage. 1023.5. b.
- Ambaſſadours from Germanie for king Richardes ſeconde mariage. 1023.10.
- Ambaſſadours from the good townes in Flaunders to ex|cuſe them of van
Arteneldes death. 927.18. a.
- Ambaſſadours to Fraunce to moue a mariage. 1087.20. b.
- Ambaſſadours of England and Fraunce meete at Baling|ham. 1083.23.
- Ambaſſadours from the Pope to the blacke Prince. 952.24. a.
- Ambaſſadours to Callais. pag. 1265. col. 1. line. 57. page. 1269. col. 1.
line. 45.
- Ambaſſadours from Fraunce. page. 1168. col. 1. line. 11. page. 1170. col.
1. line. 2. in|to Fraunce. pag. 1170. col 1 line. 30. from Fraunce. pag.
1171. col. 1. line. 41. to Fraunce. pag. 1186. col. 1. line. 32. from
fraunce. pag. 1202. col. 2. line. 16. page. 1203. col. 1. line. 2. line. 41.
to the Frenche. pag. 1203. col. 2. lin. 15. from the Duke of Burgongne.
page. 1345. col. 2. line. 58. from Scot|land. pag. 1352. col. 1. lin.
- Archbyſhop of Cantorbury his Oration. pag. 1168. col. 2. lin. 11.
- Ambaſſadours ſent to forraſne Princes. pag. 1125. col. 2. lin. 30. ſent
from the French king. pa. 1131. col. 1. lin. 15.
- Ambaſſadours ſent into Brit|taine. pa. 1135. col. 2. lin. 41. to the
Councel at Piſa. pag. 1155. col. 1. lin. 20.
- Ammond, a king of the Danes. 212.19.
- Amboys caſtle. pa. 1323. col. 2. line. 50.
- Ambaſſadours out of France. 794.43. a.
- Ambaſſadours into Germany. 109.7. b.
- Ambaſſadours into Fraunce. 874.58.875.50. a. 897.46. b.
- Ambaſſadours from Fraunce. 1078.1. b.
- Ambaſſadours from the Pope. 924.40. a.
- Ambaſſadours ſent to the Pope 921.28. a.
- Ambaſſadours from Scotland 890.38. b.
- Ambaſſadours from Fraunce. 897.40. a.
- Ambaſſadours ſent by the king of Scotland into Norman|die to king Iohn.
- Ambaſſadours not ſuffered to paſſe through England, from Scotland, into
Normandie to king Iohn. 543.5.
- Ambaſſadours ſent from king Iohn to the Pope. 583.74.
- Amphibalus martired at Red|burne for the faith of Chriſt. 90.53.
- Annates forbidden to be paid. 1557.16.
- Ambaſſadours from the Pope. 949.47. a.
- Ambaſſadours to the Duke of Britayne. pag. 1407. col. 1. lin. 38. lin.
51. col. 2. lin. 11.
- Ambaſſadours from the Scot|tiſhe king to king Iohn. 545.60.
- Ambaſſade ſent by king Iohn to ye king of Scots. 549.67.
- Ambaſſadours ſent into Scot|land by king Iohn. 552.7.
- Amboys caſtle aſſured to Theo. bald Earle of Bloys. 427.20.
- Ambaſſadors ſent to ye Pope cõ|cernyng a peace. 946.20. a.
- Ambitious minde of Seuerus the Emperour. 78.91.
- Amphibalus, a zelous Chriſti|an in Britayne. 88.6.
- Ambaſſadours into Scotland. 817.43. b.
- Anne ſiſter to Wylliam Duke of Cleue, betrothed to Hen|ry the 8.1574.26.
is recca|ued [page 1441] with great honor Ead. 46. is maried, vnto the
king, 1577.34. is deuorſed. 1579.40.
- Anguſſel ſlayne. 134.27.
- Anguſſel buried in Scotland. 134.36.
- Anſelme complayneth to the Pope of king William Ru|fus. 333.31.
- Anſelme ſent for into England out of Normandie. 336.26
- Anſelme reuoked out of exile. 337.40.
- Anſelme denieth to do homage to the king. 338.27
- Anſelme diſobeyeth the kinges letters, concerning Thomas the elect of
Yorke. 349.33.
- Anſelme endeth his lyfe. 349.81.
- Anſelme an Italian, borne in Piemont. 349.84.
- Auncient cuſtome of Engliſhe men, was to weare long beardes.
- Auelina, daughter to the Earle of Aumarle, married to lord Edmund, ſonne
to king Hen|ry the third. 780.75.
- Antigonus, brother to Pan|draſus, taken priſoner by Brute. 11.41.
- Angles come ouer out of Ger|manie into Britaine. 113.1.
- Anteus ſlayne by Hercules in Mauritania. 5.107.
- Antwerpe receaueth the Eng|liſhe marchantes with pro|ceſſion.
- Andrewe nominated Archby|ſhop of Cantorburie, is pre|uented by death.
- Angleſey inuaded by the Ro|manes. 59.83.
- Anthonie Wooduile. pa. 1298 col. 1. lin. 4.
- Androgeus Earle of London, diſobeyeth the ſummonance of Caſſibelſane.
- Andragatius, Admirall of the ſeas perteyning to the Em|pire.
- Andates the Britiſh Goddeſſe of victorie. 64.47.
- Angiers Citie worme by kyng Iohn. 563.15. and deſtroy|ed by him.
- Androgeus ſendeth into Frãce for Ceſar, and ioyneth with him agaynſt
Caſſibellane. 43.82.
- Androgeus departeth into France with Ceſar. 44.17.
- Auguſtus Ceſar comming to|wardes Britaine with an ar|mie, turneth another
way. 46.53.
- Andredeſwald wood. 194.12.
- Angli, all one people with the Thuringi. 113.45.
- Angli, one of ye twelue nations of the Germanes. 113.40.
- Anſwere of Lewir. iii. daugh|ters concerning ye loue they bare vnto him.
- Anabaptiſtes diſcouered, of whomſome recanting, beare fagottes. 1871.54.
ſome are whipped and baniſhed, 1872.12. two are burnt, 1872.29.
- Angleſey yeelded to Iulius A|gricola. 68.111.
- Angles receiued by the Bri|taines. 545.97
- Angleſey woonne by the Ro|manes. 59.114
- Anne daughter to Ed. 4. mar|ried to Thomas lorde Ho|ward. pag. 1356. col.
1. lin. 43.
- Anacletus taken priſoner by Brute. 11.76.
- Antony lord Wooduile. 1316. col. 2. lin. 28. Earle Riuers beheaded. pag.
1321. col. 1. lin. 4.
- Aulus Didius, looke Didius.
- Aniou waſted by Queene Eli|anor. 543.78.
- Antony baſtard of Burgongne. pag. 1317. col. 2. lin. 16. chalenged the
lorde Scales. lin. 44.
- Angles and their ofſpring in Britaine. 113.29.
- Anſwere of ye Oracle to Brutes prayer. 12.67.
- Anna ſlayne by Penda, and his armie diſcomfited. 172.55
- Anlafe king of Norway bapti|ſed, and receiueth the fayth. 241.7.
- Anne ſiſter to vter Pendragon, maried to Loth king of Pic|tes.
- Angleſey Ile ſpoyled by the Frenchemen. 714.40.
- Annius cited. 3.110. and. 4.67. and. 5.6.
- Anne wyfe to Richarde. 2. dy|eth. 1084.17. b
- Andredeſwold in Suſſex. 125.60.
- Andell riuer in Normandie. 385.31.
- Andreſey Ile. 208.16.
- Auncient lawes of Englande abrogated, and newe inſtitu|ted.
- Anaſtaſius Empe. 127.33.
- Antoninus cited. 2.93.
- Andredeſceſter Citie beſieged. 126.56.
- Andredeceſter Citie ouerthro|wen. 125.87. and. 126.71
- Antoninus, ſonne to Seuerus the Empe. looke Baſſianus.
- Andredeſley wood, with the length and breadth. 215.77
- Aulafe entring into the Eng|liſhe campe, is with his ar|mie chaſed, and
his men ſlaine. 226.53.
- Aniow inhabitantes take part with king Henry the fyrſt, a|gainſt Robart
Duke of Nor|mandie. 344.22.
- Anthony Bek made Patriarch of Hieruſalem. 843.38. b. contendeth with the
Prior of Darham. 844.1. a.
- Andrew Harcley created Earle of Caerlile. 869.3. a. con|ſpireth agaynſt
the king, and is executed. 871.55. a.
- Andrew Trollop. pag. 1296. col. 1. lin. 33. pag. 1297. col. 1.27. ſlayne.
pag. 1312. col. 1. lin. 38.
- Auberoch beſieged by ye French men. 927.53. a.
- Aubrey de Veer created Earle of Oxford. 1083.7. a.
- Antony Woduile Lord Riuers brother to Elizabeth, wyfe to Ed. 4. pag.
1360. col. 1. lin. 11. put in ward. pa. 1361 co. 2. li. 3. beheaded at
Pom|fret. pag. 1362. col. 1. lin. 36
- Anſelme made the Popes Le|gate in England. 355.37.
- Anſwere of an Heathen byſhop concerning heatheniſh reli|gion.
- Anſelme reſtored, & returneth into England. 346.10.
- Angoleſme ſurrendred to the Earle of Derby. 927.55. b recouered. 928.35.
- Anne ſiſter to the Emperour commeth to Douer. 1037. 53. b. married to
king Ri. the. 2.1038.10. a.
- Anne of Cleue dyeth. 1769.4.
- Anne wyfe to Ri. the 3. crow|ned Queene. pa. 1389. col. 1 lin. 1.
ſodaynely dyeth. pag. 1411. col. 1. lin. 28.
- Anne de la Poole, daughter to Iohn Duke of Suffolke. pa. 1406. col. 2.
lin. 44.
- Ambreuilliers caſtle taken by the Earle of Saliſburie. pa. 1187. col. 2.
lin. 6.
- Angiers citie repaired agayne by king Iohn. 564.10.
- Anſelme refuſeth to conſecrate the Byſhops inueſted by the king.
- Anſelme out of fauour with king Henri the firſt. 342.11
- Anſelme trauayleth to Rome in defence of his priuiledges agaynſt the
king. 342.27.
- Anſelme baniſhed, and his poſ|ſeſſions ſeaſed into the kings handes.
- Angleſey Ile. 787.12. b. won 791.4. b.
- Annius of Viterbo cited. 1.63. and. 2.68. and. 2.89. and. 3 16. and.
3.46. a.
- Anna, ſonne to Enus, ſuccee|deth Egricus in the kyng|dome of the
Eaſtangles. 172.53.
- Anſelme created Archbyſhop of Canterburie. 323.91.
- Andauer. 233.17
- Anandale ſpoyled. 830.27. b.
- Aulafe, a Daniſhe captayne. 244.113.
- Anſelme caſt quite out of king Wylliam Rufus fauour. 330.42.
- Anſelme fleeth out of ye realme to Rome. 333.21.
- Anne daughter to Edward the fourth. married to Thomas lord Howard. pag.
1356. col 1. lin. 44.
- Anne beame a hill. pag. 1416. col. 2. lin. 57.
- Anna, king of the Eaſtangles. 169.54.
- Anatholius, an holy and woor|thy father. 168.37.
- Angiers taken by Queene Eli|anor. 543.82.
- Appointing of the Pope, belon|geth only to the Emperour. 330.99.
- Appeales to Rome forbidden, and howe ſuch appeales ſhal|be determined.
- A Parre Tho. Knight. 1449.49.
- Appledore caſtle builded. 216.3.
- Appeales or pleas to the Pope, forbidden. 408.99.
- Apleby caſtle taken by ye Scots. 433.113.
- Aquitaine reduced to ye French pag. 1285. col. 2. lin. 43.
- Aquitaine troubled with warre 978.40. b.
- Aques citie beſieged & woonne. 447.18.
- Aqutia a Britiſh prophet, what time he wrote. 19.5.
- Aulafe, named by wryters, king of the Iriſhmen, and of many Ilandes.
- Aulafe ariueth in the mouth of Humber with a great armie. 226.16.
- Aulafe entreth diſguiſed into the engliſhe campe, to viewe it.
- Aulafe diſcouered, and knowen by an engliſhe ſouldier. 226.40.
- Aulafe departeth this life. 227.74.
- Aulafe, ſonne to king Sithrike, taketh vpon him the gouern|ment of the
Northumbers. 227.75.
- Aulafe ſubmitteth him ſelfe to king Edmund. 227.84.
- Aulafe receiueth the Chriſtian faith, and is baptiſed. 227.94.
- Aulafe, and Reynold driuen out of their countreys. 227.104
- Aulafe returneth into Nor|thumberland, and is reſtored 229.50.
- Aulafe expulſed againe, through the Northumbers diſloyal|tie.
- Auguſtus Ceſar comming the ſecond time into Britaine, is ſtayed by the
Britiſh Am|baſſadours. 46.63.
- Auguſtus Ceſar comming the third time into Britaine, is conſtrained to
goe agaynſt the Salaſſians. 46.79
- Aurelius Ambroſe, ſecond ſon to Conſtantinus, made king [page 1441] of
Britaine. 122.84.
- Aurelius Ambroſe, leadeth an armie againſt the Saxons. 122.93.
- Aurelius Ambroſe dieth of poy|ſon, and is buried at Ston|heng.
- Aurelius Ambroſe dyeth of a wound. 124.66.
- Aulafe made king of ye Danes in Northumberland. 127.52.
- Aulafe marcheth with an armie towardes the South partes of England.
- Aulafe marieth Alditha, daugh+ter to Earle Ormus. 227.68.
- Audeley Thomas Knight ſpea|ker of the Parliament, made Lord Keeper of ye
great ſeale. 1558.14. is made hygh Chauncellor of Englande. 1559.46.
- Anſweare of a godly man tou|ching Auguſtine the Monke 151.52.
- Auguſtine requireth iii. things of the Britiſh Churche to be obſerued.
- Auguſtine departeth this lyfe, and is buried at Cantorbu|rie.
- Auguſtines prophecie fulfilled. 154.20.
- Auguſtine prophecieth of the affliction of ye Britiſh Cler|gie.
- Aurea hiſtoria cited. 137.68.
- Aurelius Conanus rebelleth a|gainſt Conſtantinus. 138.31.
- Aurelius Conanus made kyng of Britaine. 139.38.
- Aurelius Conanus impriſoneth his vncle, and ſlaieth his two ſonnes.
- Aurelius Conanus dyeth. 139.55.
- Auguſtine and his fellowes ſue to be releaſed of their viage into
Britaine. 146.79
- Auguſtine made gouernour of thoſe that were ſent with him. 147.13.
- Auguſtine and his company ar|riue in the Ile of Thanet in Kent.
- Auguſtine and his fellowes re|puted Nigromancers. 147.40.
- Auguſtine and his fellowes re|ceiued by Ethelbert king of Kent.
- Auguſtine ordeined Archbiſhop of the engliſhe nation. 148.66.
- Auguſtine calleth a Synode in Britaine. 151.10. and 151.
- Auguſtines Oake. 151.12
- Audeley Thomas, lord Audeley Chauncellour, is ordeyned high Steward of
England. 1572.16. and 1582.13.
- Auguſtine an Iriſhman, made byſhop of Waterfoord in Ireland.
- Aucthoritie of a Byſhop in re|proouing princes. 174.82.
- duke of Aubemerle arriueth in Ireland. 1104.23. b.
- Duke of Aumerle Conſtable of England. 1099.22. a
- Auguſta, ſometime the name of London. 104.32.
- Aueſia, or Aeteſia Counteſſe of Warren dyeth. 742.57.
- Aulafe returneth with his peo|ple into Norway. 241.11
- Aurelius Ambroſe, captayne of the Britaines agaynſt the Saxons.
- Iames Lord Audeleys valiant|neſſe. 959.8. b. 961.3. b.
- Aulafe ſlayne in Norway. 261.44.
- Hugh Audeley created Earle of Gloceſter. 900.13. b.
- Aurelius Ambroſe caried ouer into little Britaine. 110.19
- Auncientie of the Chriſtian re|ligion in Britaine declared. 53.29.
- Aurelius Ambroſe, and Vter Pendragon, returne into great Britaine with an
ar|mie. 122.19.
- Archbyſhop of Meſſina ſent le|gate into England. 745.27
- Archbiſhop of Colen ſent Am|baſſadour to Richard elect, king of Almayne.
- Archbiſhops ſix at one time pre|ſent at the Parliament at London.
- Arde caſtle built. 1581.2
- Arthur, ſonne to Vter Pendra|gon, beginneth to raigne ouer Britaine.
- Arthur ouerthroweth the Sax|ons in twelue battailes. 131 70.
- Armorica, now called Britaine in Fraunce. 35.21.
- Armie ſent into Britaine. 617 22. a. 917.10. b.
- Archbyſhops and Byſhops of the Chriſtian religion ap|poynted in Britaine.
- Arundell Thomas knight com|mitted to the Towre. 1709 30. is beheaded.
- Articles propounded and con|cluded vpon, at the Synode of Herford. [...]179.97.
- Archdeacons ſworne not to fa|uour maried prieſtes. 347.88.
- Richard Earle of Arundel ap|prehended. 1093.26. a. ar|reyned. 1095.20. b.
cõdem|ned. 1096.32. a. beheaded. 1096 37 b.
- Earle of Artois diſcomfiteth Thengliſhmen in Gaſcoine. 816.43. a.
- Arundel caſtle fortified againſt king Henry the fyrſt. 339.62.
- Arthur ſendeth to Howell king of little Brittaine, for ayde a|gaynſt the
Saxons. 132.57
- Articles obiected agaynſt king Richard the ſecond. 1 [...]11.34. a.
- Armes of London augmented. 1033.23. a.
- Arthur marrieth Guenhera, kinſwoman to Cador Earle of Cornewall.
- Archbyſhop of Cantorburie, or Yorke, to haue aucthoritie to place
another, the Sea of ey|ther being voyde. 163.20.
- Archby. of Yorke lord Chaun|celor. pag. 1362. col. 2. lin. 3. came before
day to ye queene lin. 22. deliuered her ye great Seale. lin. 47. was
blamed for deliuerie. pa. 1363. col. 2 lin. 49. taken from him. lin.
- Armes of king Wylliam, made ſithence the armes of the crowne of England.
- Arthur of Britaine made knight. 546.61.
- Arthur fleeth by night from king Iohn. 547.35.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke Geffrey, depriued. 548.113.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke Geffrey baniſhed the Court. 549.14.
- Arthur Duke of Britaine doth homage to king Iohn. 549.30.
- Arthur Duke of Britaine pro|claimeth him ſelfe Earle of Toriane, and
Aniou. 553.19.
- Arthur Duke of Britaine taken priſoner. 554.1.
- Arthurs eyes appoynted by his vncle king Iohn to be put out. 55.3.
- Arthur duke of Britaine dyeth. 555.61.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke deliue|reth Hen. the ſixt. to Ed. the fourth. pag.
1332. col. 2. lin. 28. was ſent priſoner to Guynes. pag. 1345. col. 1. lin.
- Armie ſent into Gaſcoine. 924 54. a.
- Archilochus cited. 2.61.
- Ardulf, ſonne to Arnulf, made king of Northumberland. 201.57.
- Archbyſhop of Cantorburie Steuẽ Langton taketh poſ|ſeſſion of his ſee,
and reſto|reth the Monkes of Cantor|burie. 581.71.
- Armie of men lodged on Bar|ham downe to reſiſt ſtraun|gers.
- Arlet, mother to king Wylliam Conquerour. 323.32.
- Armetrida, wyfe to Hugh Lu|pus Earle of Theſter. 323.59.
- Arundel Caſtel beſieged. 373.23.
- Arden murdered. 1703.40.
- Armager, looke Aruiragus.
- Armie ſent into Gaſcoine 809 24. b.
- Arnold Butlar a valiant cap|tayne. pag. 1413. col. 2. lin. 57.
- Arraine Therle gouernour of Scotland. 1589.50.
- Arde aſſaulted by Engliſhmen. pag. 1146. col. 1. lin. 6.
- Accorde made betweene kyng Maximianus, and Conan Meridock, Duke of
Corne|wall. 95.57.
- Archbyſhop of Cantorburie Primate of Ireland. 328.11.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke accurſed with booke, bell, and candle. 748.18.
- Archbyſhop of Cantorburie intituled Legati nati. 401.36
- Archbyſhops of Cantorburie, ſpirituall father to the kyng and all his
people. 404.17.
- Armeus, one of the names of Danaus. 7.22.
- Armes of Vter Pendragon. 127.42.
- Articles of peace with the French. pag. 1203. col. 2. lin. 26. pag. 1205.
col. 1. lin. 30.
- Ardult expulſed out of his eſ|ſtate. 201.80.
- Archbyſhops Sees in Britaine in the dayes of Lucius, and theyr
precinctes. 75.10.
- Arthur, ſonne to Duke Geffray of Britaine, named heire ap|parant to the
crowne of England. 483.99.
- Aruiragus dyeth, and is buried at Gloceſter. 52.72.
- Arthur paſſeth ouer into Ire|land with an armie. 133.59.
- Arthur paſſeth the Seas into Fraunce with an armie. 133.66.
- Arthur determineth to make himſelf Emperour of Rome 133.75.
- Arthur landeth at Sandwich, and di [...]comfiteth the rebels. 134.18.
- Acres Citie beſieged by the Chriſtians. 493.73. ſurren|dred into ye
Chriſtian mens handes. 500.79.
- Archigallo becommeth an vp|right prince. 31.70.
- Archigallo dyeth, and is buried at Yorke. 31.75
- Archbyſhopricke of Yorke, ſub|iect to the Archbyſhopricke of Cantorburie.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke, acknow|ledged Primate of all Scot|land.
- Aruiragus marrieth Geniſſa, daughter to Claudius the Emperour.
- Aruiragus marriage with Claudius daughter, con|futed. 51.64.
[page 1442] Aruiragus time of gouernmẽt diuerſly doubted of.
- Aruiragus denyeth his ſubiec|tion to the Romanes. 52.10
- Aruiragus maketh a final peace wich the Romanes. 52.69.
- Archbyſhop of Cantorburie fa|uoureth the Barons part a|gaynſt kyng Iohn.
594.55. he is interdicted, & goeth to Rome. 594.57.
- Archigallo, the ſecond ſonne to Morindus, admitted king of Britaine.
- Archbyſhops fees of England to be paide at Rome, dimini|ſhed.
- Archbiſhop of Yorke, ought not to crowne the kyng, without licence of the
Archbyſhop of Cantorburie. 412.31.
- Artificers and other people of Britaine ſent ouer to inha|bite in Gallia.
- Arthur receiued Lord of An [...]ou again at Turaine, by ye No|bles of the ſame. 542.28.
- Archbyſhops See of Cantor|burie remooued to Litch|feeld. 194.112
- Articles agreed vppon at Hat|fielde Synode. 182.116.
- Authune, Duke of Suſſer. 184.41.
- Archbyſhopricke of Cantorbu|rie kept voide in the kinges handes.
- Archbyſhoppes See, reſtored agayne to Cantorburie. 200.91.
- Arnold, brother to Robert de Beleſme, Earle of Shreweſ|bury.
- Arundel executed. 881.40. a.
- Arnold confined for his trayte|rous demeanour. 340.17.
- Arthur Duke of Britaine com|mitted to the French king. 543.47.
- Ardmach in Ireland, ordeyned an Archbyſhopricke. 386.32.
- Armie ſent into Scotland. 899.27. a.
- Armeny commeth into Eng|land. 1051.13. a.
- Armie ſent againſt the Flem|mings. 901.26. b.
- Articles by the Duke of Glo|ceſter agaynſt the Byſhop of Wincheſter. pa.
1228. col. 1 lin. 49.
- Anſwere of the byſhop of Win|cheſter to the Duke of Glo|ceſter. pag,
1229. col. 1. lin. 11.
- Armies of England & Fraunce approche. 905.8. a.
- Armies ſent into Britaine. 995. 16. b. breaketh vp. 996.30. a.
- Ariſtotle cited. 2.20. & 5.47.
- Armour and weapons taken from the Engliſhmen. 299.6.
- Armie agaynſt the Saraſins. 1076.16. b.
- Articles againſt the Spencers. 8 [...]0.26. b.
- Arundel Humfrey Captaine of the rebels in Deuonſhire ex|ecuted.
- Arthur eldeſt ſonne to Henry the ſeuenth borne. 1428.40 is maried.
1455.32. ſent to lye in Wales. 1456.50. his counſellers. ibidem. dyeth.
- Archenbray battaile fought by Robert eldeſt ſonne to king William,
againſt his father. 310.37.
- Arnault Nicholas knight vali|antly defendeth Bullenberg. 1640.54.
- Armour, and weapons taken from the Britaines. 49.83.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke Richarde Scrope deuiſed articles a|gainſt Henry the
fourth. pag. 1137. col. 1. line. 41. Con|ſpireth againſt him. pag. 1147.
col. 2. lin. beheaded pag. 1148. col. 2. lin. 48.
- Armorica, ſubdued by Maxi|mianus. 95.68.
- Armorica, what in the Britiſhe tongue it ſignifieth. 95.79. &
- Richard Erle of Arundel goeth to the ſea. 1073.25. b.
- Army ſent to ayde the Duke of Britain. 1018.20. b. ſpey|leth Fraunce in
paſſing thi|ther. 1019.6. a. entreth Bri|taine. 1021.28. a. returneth into
England. 1021.50. b.
- Arthur diſcomfiteth the rebels in another battaile. 134.56.
- Arthur dyeth, and is buried at Glaſtenburie. 134.64.
- Arthurs body found. 134.70.
- Arundel Archbyſhop of Cantor|burie condemned and bani|ſhed. 1095.10.
- Arthurs bones, with the length and the bignes therof. 135.16.
- Arthurs bones and his wiues, tranſlated. 135.49.
- Iohn Arundel made Marſhall of England. 1009.23. a. drowned in the ſea.
1014. 7. b. his exceſſe in apparell. 1015.36. a.
- Arthurs graue no where to be found. 136.105.
- Arthur had .ii. wyues. 137.31.
- Richard Erle of Arundel, Ad|miral, goeth to the ſea. 1057 45. a.
ouercommeth the Flẽ|miſhe fleete. 1057.30. b. wa|ſteth the coaſtes of
Flaun|ders. 1058.30. a.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke in like au|thoritie in al things to the Archbyſhop of
Cantorburie. 348.71.
- Archbyſhop of Yorke, bound on|ly to fetch his conſecration and
benediction at Cantor|burie. 348.73.
- Archbyſhop of Cantorburye threatneth to excõmunicate al thoſe that
aſſyſt king Iohn 582.25.
- Aruiragus his policie & cou|rage againſt the Romanes.
- Aruiragus putteth the Ro|manes to flight. 50.72.
- Aruiragus, youngeſt ſonne to Kymbeline, admitted kyng of Britaine.
- Iacob Artenels houſe beſet. 926.45. b. he is ſlaine. 927.1. a.
- Ardune byſhop of Geneua. 423 112.
- Arnulfe, or Athelwoolfe, fyrſt byſhop of Caerleil. 362.83.
- Arbogaſtes a Goth, ſlayeth Fla|uius Victor nobiliſſimus. 97.98.
- Articles agreed vpon quite contrary to the fayth. 199 52.
- Arrogancie of byſhops concer|nyng their places at the ta|ble, well
requited. 350.114.
- Areani remoued, & what was their office. 105.57.
- Armach, Metropolitane towne of all Ireland, woonne. 448.74.
- Army into Scotland. pa. 1352 col. 2. lin. 20.
- Archigallo reſtored to his king|dome. 31.54.
- Armour not to be pledged, nor forfaited. 455.57.
- Archigallo depriued of his king|dome. 31.5
- Artogail, looke Archigallo.
- Arde woonne by the French|men. 1007.15. b.
- Aſteley Iohn, a Scriuener, a counſellor to Perkin War|becke.
- Aſwald ſucceedeth Ethelbert in the kingdom of Northum|berland.
- Aſwald trayterouſly murdered by his owne people. 199.38.
- Aſtwood Thomas. 1443.38.
- Aſke Robert hanged in chaines 1570.20.
- Aſhrugge Abbey founded. 782.4.
- Aſkewe Anne arraigned vppon the ſtatute of the ſixe articles and
acquitted. 1601.46.
- Reade Richard Alderman of London, being commaun|ded to goe in the warres,
is taken priſoner. 1601.21.
- Aſchdon battel, fought by the Engliſhmen againſt the Danes. 210.11
- Aſhdon Churche in Eſſex buil|ded. 262.97.
- Aſtoulfe de S. Hillarie, a coun|ſellor, or rather corrupter of Henry,
ſonne to king Henry the ſecond. 425.105.
- Aſſemblie of men of warre out of all partes of the Realme, to reſiſt
ſtrangers. 771.35.
- Aſclepiodotus beginneth ſo raigne ouer Britaine. 82.34.
- Aſclepiodotus ſlaine by Coſtus of Colcheſter. 82.64.
- Aſſurance of the victorie confi|ſteth in ye felicitie of the cap|tayne.
- Aſhdone battell fought by the Danes agaynſt the Engliſhe men.
- Aſclepiodotus Duke of Corne|wall, chiefe captayne of a conſpiracie
agaynſt the Ro|manes. 82.7.
- Aſſaracus deliuereth places of defence vnto Brute in Greece.
- Aſſembly of the ſtates at Northampton. 542.59.
- Aſcalon towne taken by the Engliſhmen. 503.49.
- Aſſerius Meneuenſis, byſhop of Shirebourne. 218.25.
- Aſſemblie of the Prelates at London before king Iohn. 571.11.
- Aſia alotted vnto Sem. 1.75.
- Aſſiſe of bread. 555.99
- Aſhbert murdered young kyng Kenelme. 203.50.
- Athelney, in old time called Ed|lingſey. 217.55.
- Atonement made betwene king Stephen, and Archbyſhop Theobald of
Cantorburie. 383.3.
- Athelilan, ſecond ſonne to Eg|bert, ordeyned king of Kent, Suſſex, and
Eſſex. 205.12.
- Atlas Maurus, one of Iaphets names. 1.88.
- Athelmare confirmed byſhop of Wyncheſter. 725.1
- Athelney fortreſſe in Edelynſey Ile builded. 214.74.
- At the wall, why ſo called. 174.11.
- At the wall. 173.33.
- Atrius made by Ceſar, Lieute|nant of the nauie. 40.89.
- Athelſtan vanquiſheth the Danes by ſea. 207.8.
- Attacotti, a kinde of Scots or Pictes. 104.7.
- Attempt agaynſt ſtrangers In|cumbentes. 639.25.
- Athanaſius cited. 94.44.
- Earle of Athol taken. 842. 45. a. executed. 843.37. a.
- Earle of Athol ſlayne. 898.40. b.
- Aulus Atticus, a Romane cap|tayne ſlayne. 72.94.
- Aulafe and Vlfus, princes of Swedeners, ouerthrowen by kyng Cnute.
- Aulafe prince of Sweden, ex|pulſed out of his kingdome. 261.40.
- Auguſtine the Monke ſent into England. 146.11. and .146.74.
- Auon Riuer. 222.80.
- Auon caſtle builded. 222.80.
[page 1442] Audley Iames Lorde warreth on the welchmen. 748.45.
- Award. pa. 1292. col. 1. lin. 50.
- A water Iohn Maior of Corke hanged. 1454.10.
- Aydan ſent into Englande to preach the Goſpel. 168.25.
- Aydans aduice concerning the preaching of the Goſpell in Northumberland.
- Ayde from the French king to the Barons agaynſt kyng Iohn. 594.20.
- Aydans happie ſucceſſe in prea|ching the Goſpell. 168.69.
- Aydan dyeth, and is buryed in Lindeſfern. 171.19.
- Aylewin Earle. 234.23.
- Aydan diſagreeth from the new Church of England, tou|ching the obſeruing
of Ea|ſter. 168.30.
- Ayre Towne wonne and brent by kyng Iohns Souldiers. 584.10.