Snippet: 1 of 3 (1577, Volume 3, p. 662) [page 662] [page 662] Appendix C.1 Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of the Hyſtorie of
Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of the Hyſtorie of
- Page .2. line .7. for .30. rede 36. The ſame Page, and .27. lin, for
Mun|dus afterwards Brachara, rede Munda and now Mondego, which Cirie
hight firſte Brachara, and af|ter Bechle, as Hector Boece hath. The ſane
page the laſt marginall note, for Brigantia, reade Brigane+tiu [...].
- Page .5. the firſte colum in the Mar|gent, ouer againſt the .54. line
write 2208. HB. and ouer againſt ye ſame line to aunſwere .55. write
.60. H.B. and ouer againſt the .56. line, to an|ſwer the yeare of oure
Lorde .697. write .695. H.B. The ſame Page colum .2. line .18. for .133.
reade .1033. The ſame page and colum line .48. ſweare, reade
- Page .6. col. 2. in the Margent ouer againſt the third line, for
.3363. reade 4867.
- Page .7. col. 2. lines . write in the Margent .4869. H.B.
to an|ſwere, 3640.350, H.B. as aunſwere 327.420, H.B, to aunſwere .420.
for in the yeare of ye building of Rome Harriſon & Hector Boece
agree. 437 to aunſwere .790.
- Page .9. colum .1. the laſt line, robbed the Scottes to thee, dead
robbed the Scots, laying the blame on the Pictes, as if they had bin the
- Page .12. col. 8. line .34. for were, rede where.
- Page .17. colum . [...]. line .21. for Laugh Bruum, reade Lochbroun. The ſame pa. colum
. [...]. ouer againſt the 4 [...] line, write in the margent .546. H.B. to aunſwere .527. yeares of
Rome there in the line.
- Page .18. col. 1. line .1. for Scots and Pictes, reade Scots as
- Page .23. col. 1. line .25. and continu|ed, put out and.
- Page .24. col. 2. line .34. his handes for feigning, reade the
Tirantes hands who feigning .&c.
- Page 28. col. 1. line 38. for further, reade forthwith.
- Page 30. col. 1. line 58. for the ninthe yere, reade the nine and
- Page 31. colum. 2. line 24. for Aldion, reade Albion.
- Page 38. colum. 2 line 40. for Merne, reade Mernes.
- Page 44. col. 2. line 54. for 54. reade 58. for ſo it agreeth with
Maiſter Harriſons accompte.
- Page 48. col. 1. line 1. for with them, reade with him.
- Page 53. col. 1. line 30. for Vſipithes, reade Vnpites. The ſame Page
and colum line 33. and in proces, put out in.
- Page 54. col. 1. line 2. for huſband|men, reade p [...] fyſhermen of the Cou [...]dey.
- Page 57. colum 2. line 56. inſteede of [...] for that he aught, reade ſo that he mighte.
- Page 59. colum . [...]. the number in the margent is ſet too lowe .3. ſhoulde aunſwere
.19. in the eyghth line. &c.
- Page 65. co. 2. line .53. for their whole number, read the whole
- Page 68. col. 2. lin. 54. for hilles and mountaines, read thicke
wooddes and mariſhes.
- Page 72. col. 2. line 46. for ſuperſtiti|on reade
- Page 89. colu. 2. line 46 for Cantire reade Kile.
- Page 89. co. 2. and for and vnder|ſtanding, read ſo as
- Page 100. co. 1. line 44. for deſtroye, reade with. The ſame page
col [...] line 42. for the backe reade their backes.
- Page 102. col. 2. line . [...]. for Helene Vrſula, in ſome it is amended.
- Page .104. col. 11 line 5 [...] for paſſed, by fyre, reade were put to the fyre.
- Page 110. though wrongly noted .118. ouer againſt the 44. and 45.
line, put in the margent Conanus was alſo ſent with the [...]chbiſh. but he died on the Sea as they ſailed thi|therwards.
- Page 119. col. 2. line 32. for infarſed, reade inſerted.
- Page 122. col. 1. line .5.6. & 7. for the auncient ordinance
&c. read accor|dyng to the auncient ordinance, ſo as the
countreys beyond Humber were appoynted to remayne.
- Page 150. col. 1. line 41 42 & 43. for a|boute the ſame to the
Gugenius K. of Scots ſent, read, In the begin|ning of his reigne he
- Page 166. col. 1. line 14. for greately nowe, reade holpe greatly
- Page 178. col. 2. line 45. king Edwyn put out king.
- Page 192. col. 2. line 28. for with hys miniſters, read with hir
- Page 199. col. 2. in the margent ouer againſte the 4. line for an
Engliſh|man, reade a Welchman of Sainte Dauid.
- Page 221. col. 1. line 9. for he had bin, reade he hauing bin.
- Page 250. col. 2. line 16. for him, rede hir.
- Page 290. colum 2. line 12. for which, reade as. The ſame page col.
[...] line 7. for deſired, rede deſire.
- Page 327. col. 2. line 4. put and ſa|uage.
- Page 333. col. 2. in the margent the laſt note, for Scotland, reade
- Page 334. col. 1. in the Margente o|uer againſt the fourteenth line,
for Dolphine, reade Dubline, in ſome leaues it is amended.
- Page 346. col. 2. line .12. and therfore in the reward, put out the,
and rede in reward.
- Page 369. for 1403. vpon a Tewſday reade 1402. vpon a Thurſday.
- Page 388. col. 2. line 44. Tetueer, a|lias Camphier.
- Page 389. col. 2. line .44. Dowlas for Dowglas.
- Page 402. col. 2. line .33. for Earle of Dundale, reade Lorde:
Auendale, and ſo likewiſe for there places. The ſame page and colums line
3 [...] & for the Lorde of Lure, read the Laird of Luz, &
lin. 36. for the Lord of Cragwallace, reade the Lairde of
- Page 406. col. 2. line 57 for Sanau|han reade Sanoubae The ſame page
and colum line 24 for battel, reade debatable.
- Page 413. col. 1. line .6. for the Lorde, reade the Laird.
- Page 423. col. 1. line 15. the Kilwening reade Kilwenning, line 17.
for Ca|ſhels, read Caſſels, line 18. put out addell, line 20. for arſhin,
reade Erſkyn. line 24. for Sir Dauid reade Sir Dauid Hume.
- Page 433. colum .2. line .55. for Eden|burgh, reade Iedworth.
- Page 437. col. 2. lin 15. for argument, reade agreement.
- Page 438. co. 1. lin. 20. for Henry, rede to one Henry. The ſame page
col. 2. line 45. for ſaue, rede ſtay.
- Page 439. col. 1. line 2. and 3. for Lord of Hounſton, reade Laird of
- Page 44. col. 2. line 50. not conuicte, but put in priſon, there to
remaine at the Kings pleaſure.
- Page 462 col. 2. line 30. for Houſon, reade George Striueling of
- Page 485. col. 1. line .19. but the fight growing, reade ſo that the
fighte grewe.
- Page 487. col. 1. line 39. for Amalaſt|he, reade amalaſche.
- Page 508. col. 2. line 44. for Borde, reade Boyde.