Snippet: 1 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 659) [page 659] A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
- ABbay de caſtro dei, founded. 28
- Adam de Hereford an Engliſh captaine, van|quiſheth the Iriſh in a
daungerous battail. 33
- Alayn de la Zouch Lorde Iuſtice, ſlaine by the Erle of Surrey. 45
- Albius an Iriſh biſhop. 11
- Aldlecke caſtle deſtroyed. 45
- Alen Iohn, Archbiſhop of Dublin, enimie to the Giraldines. 90. flieth to
the caſtel of Dublin. 91. is apprehended by the rebelles, and ſhamefully
murdered. 92
- Alen Iohn, knight. 90. Alice Kettle a witch. 58
- Alma earle Strangbow his daughter, maried to William eldeſt ſon to
Maurice Fitz Girald. 34
- Ambition ſetteth one brother agaynſt another. 3. 5
- Anninus. 3. Antragh. 78
- Ardſcollburnt. 46
- Articles agreed vpon in the counſel at Caſſhil. 10
- Arthur Mac Murrow, ouercome by Iames erle of Ormond. 71
- Arthure king of Brytaine, had the Iriſh in ſub|iection, and tooke tribute
of them. 5
- Articles of agreement betweene Rotherick Mo|narke of Ireland, and Dermote
king of Lun|ſter. 23
- Arundell Lord of the Stand, his yerely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his
dayes. 68
- Atheſſell burnt. 57. Athione caſtell burnt. 53
- Aylmer Girald chiefe Iuſtice. 99. his conference with king Henrie the
eight of the diſorder of Irelande. 106