Snippet: 1 of 1 (1577, Volume 3, p. 659) [page 659]
The yeares of our Lorde.The names of the Gouernors,
Lieutenants, Lord Iuſtices, and Deputies of Ireland, ſince the conqueſt
thereof by king Henrie the ſecond.
[1] -
1174RIchard S [...]rangbow Erle of Pembroke go|uernor, hauing Reymond le Grace ioyned in
commiſſion with him.
1177Reymond le Grace Lieutenant by
- William Fitz Aldelme lieutenant, hauing Iohn de Curcy, Robert Fitz
Stephans, and Miles Cogan ioyned in commiſſion with him.
- Hugh Lacie Lieutenant.
1182Iohn La [...]y Coneſtable of Cheſter, Gouernors
- Richard de Peche Gouernors
- Hugh Lacie againe Lieatenant.
- Hugh Lacie the yonger Lorde Iuſtice.
1227Henry Loandoris Archb. of Dublin L.
1228Morice Fitz Girald Lord chiefe Iuſtice.
1253Iohn Fitz Geoffrey knight, Lorde
- Alain de la Zouch Lorde Iuſtice.
1258Stephen de Long Eſpe Lord Iuſtice.
- William Deane Lorde Iuſtice.
1261Sir Richard Rochell or Capell Lord
1267Dauid Barry Lorde Iuſtice.
1268Robert Vfforde Lord Iuſtice.
1269Richarde de Exeter Lord Iuſtice.
1270Iames Lorde Audley Lorde Iuſtice.
1272Morice Fitz Morice Lorde Iuſtice.
- Walter Lorde Genuille Lord Iuſtice.
- Robert Vfforde againe Lord Iuſtice.
1281Fulborne Biſhop of Waterford Lord
- Iohn Samford Archbiſhop of Dublin L. Iuſtice
- William Veſci Lorde Iuſtice.
1295William Dodingſels Lorde Iuſtice.
- Thomas Fitz Morice Lorde Iuſtice.
1298Iohn Wogan Lorde Iuſtice.
1314Theobald Verdon Lorde Iuſtice.
1315Edmond Butler Lorde Iuſtice.
1317Roger Lorde Mortimer Lorde Iuſtice.
- Alexander Bignor Archb. of Dublin L. Iuſtice.
1319Roger Lord Mortimer ſecond tyme L.
1320Thomas Fitz Iohn Erle of Kildare L.
1321Iohn Birmingham Erle of Louth L.
1323Iohn lorde Darcie Lord Iuſtice.
1327Roger Outlaw Prior of Kilmaynan L.
- Anthonie Lord Lucie Lord Iuſtice.
1332Iohn Lord Darcy ſecond time Lord
1337Iohn Lord Charleton Lord Iuſtice.
1338Thomas Biſhop of Hereford Lord Iuſtice.
1339Iohn lord Darcy ordeyned Lord Iuſtice by
pa|tent during his life by Edward the thirde.
- Raufe Vfford Lord Iuſtice.
1346Robert Darcy Lord Iuſtice.
- Iohn Fitz Morice Lorde Iuſtice.
- Walter lord Bermingham Lord Iuſtice, his de|puties were Iohn Archer prior
of Kilmaynan, Baron Carew, and ſir Thomas Rokeſby.
- Maurice Fitz Thomas Earle of Deſmond had the office of Lorde Iuſtice for
terme of his life, of king Edward the third his graunt.
1355Thomas Rokeſby knight Lord Iuſtice.
1357Almerich de Saint Amand appointed L. I. by
- Iohn Butler Erle of Ormond appointed L. I. by turnes.
- Maurice Fitz Th. erle of Kild. appointed L. I. by turnes.
1361Lionel duke of Clarence Lord Iuſtice.
1367Gerald Fitzmaurice Erle of Deſmond L.
1369Williã L. Winſor the fi [...]ſt lieutenant in Ireland
1772Richard Aſhton Lord Iuſtice.
1381Roger Mortimer Iuſtices & lieutenãts
ſpe|ciallye recorded in Ri|chard the ſeconds dayes.
- Philip Courtney Iuſtices & lieutenãts ſpe|ciallye recorded in
Ri|chard the ſeconds dayes.
- Iames erle of Orm Iuſtices & lieutenãts ſpe|ciallye recorded in
Ri|chard the ſeconds dayes.
- Robert Vere Earle of Oxforde Marques of Dublin, created duke of
1394Roger Mortimer Erle of March
- Roger Mortimer erle of March & Viſter lieut.
- Roger Gray Lorde Iuſtice.
- Iohn Stanley knight Lorde Lieutenant.
1401Thomas of Lancaſter brother to king Henry the
fourth Lord Lieutenant, whoſe Deputies at ſundrie tymes were, Alexander Bi.
of Meth, Stephen Scrope knight, and the Prior of Kilmaynam.
1403Iames Butler Erle of Ormond Lord
- Girald Erle of Kildare Lord Iuſtice.
1407Iames Butler Erle of Ormonde, ſonne to the
foreſayd Iames Lord Iuſtice.
1413Iohn Stanley againe Lord Lieutenant.
- Thomas Crauley Arch. of Dublin lord Iuſtice.
1414Iohn Lord Talbot of Shieyfield
1420Iames Butler erle of Ormond, the ſecond time
- Edmond Erle of March, Iames Erle of Ormond his deputie. Lieutenã|tes to
king H. the ſixt.
- Iohn Sutton L. Dudley, ſir Th. Straunge knight his deputie. Lieutenã|tes
to king H. the ſixt.
- Sir Thomas Stanley, ſir Chri|ſtopher [...]lunket his deputie, Lieutenã|tes to king H. the ſixt.
- Lion Lorde Welles the Earle of Ormond his deputie. Lieutenã|tes to king
H. the ſixt.
- Iames erle of Ormõd by himſelf Lieutenã|tes to king H. the ſixt.
- Iohn Earle of Shrewſburie, the Archbiſhop of Dublin in his ab|ſence Lorde
Iuſtice. Lieutenã|tes to king H. the ſixt.
- Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, father to king Edwarde the fourth, had
the office of Lieutenant by king Henrie the ſixt his letters patents for ten
yeares. His deputies at ſun|dry times were. The Baron of Deluin, Ri|chard
Fitz Guſtace knight, Iames erle of Or|mond, & Thomas Fitz Morice
erle of Kildare.
- Thomas Fitz Morice Erle of Kildare Lord Iu|ſtice in king Edward the
fourth his dayes, vn|till the third yeare of his raigne. After which George
duke of Clarence brother to the King had the office of Lieutenant during his
life, & made his deputies by ſundrie tymes theſe.
- Thomas Erle of Deſmonde, Deputies to the duke of Clarence.
- Iohn Tiptoft erle of Worceter, Deputies to the duke of Clarence.
- Thomas Erle of Kildare, Deputies to the duke of Clarence.
- Henry Lord Gray of Ruthine. Deputies to the duke of Clarence.
1470Sir Rouland Euſtace Lord Deputie.
- Richard duke of Yorke yonger ſon to king Ed|ward the fourth
- Edward ſon to Richarde the third Lieutenant, his deputie was Gerald Erle
of Kildare.
- Iaſper duke of Bedford and Erle of Pembroke Lieut. his deputy was Walter
Archb. of Dub.
1494Edward Poynings knight, Lord deputie.
1501Henrie duke of Yorke, after king by the name
of Henrie the eight, Lieutenant, his deputie Girald Erle of Kildare.
- Girald Fitz Girald Erle of Kildare L. deputie.
1520Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey, after duke of
Norffolke, Lieutenant.
1523Piers Butler Earle of Oſſorie Lord
- Girald Fitz Girald erle of Kildare again L. dep.
- The Baron of Deluin Lord deputie.
1529Piers Butler Erle of Oſſorie again L.
- William Skeffington knight Lord deputie.
- Girald Fitz Girald erle of Kildare again L. dep.
- William Skeffington again Lord deputie.
1534Leonard Lord Gray, Lord deputie.
1540Sir William Brereton knight, Lord
1541Sir Anthonie Sentleger knight, Lord