[1] His gouernment had beene of the Countrey very well lyked, were it not, that in his time he began to aſſeſſe the Pale with certaine new im|poſitions, not ſo profitable (as it was thought) to the Gouernours, as it was noyſome to the ſub|iectes. The debating of which I purpoſe to re|ferre to them, who are diſcourſers of publique eſtates, and the reformers of the cõmon wealth, praying to God, that hee with his grace direct them ſo faythfully to accompliſh the duties of good Magiſtrates, that they gouerne that poore battred Iſland, to hid diuine honour, to hir ma|ieſties contentation, to the ſuppreſſing of Re|bels, to the vpholding of ſubiectes, and rather to the publique weale of the whole countrey, than to the priuate gaine of a few perſons.