[1] The Lord De|putie and Or|mond ſent for to England.With this aunſwere Baſnet returned, and the Earle perfourmed his promiſe. Wherevpon the Gouernour and he were commaunded, to appeare before the priuie Counſaile in Eng|lande, where they were ſundrie tymes exami|ned, and their accuſations ripely debated. In fine, the Counſaile equallye to bothe partes in theyr complaints affected, and weighing with|all rather the due deſert of both their loyall ſer|uices, than the vaine preſumption of their mu|tuall accuſations,They are made friends. wrapped vp theyr quarelles, and made them both friendes, wyth ſuch indif|ferencie, as neyther part ſhould bee eyther with anye conqueſt exalted, or wyth anye foyle de|baced.