[1] The Earle of Ormonde with his Souldi|ours (which were a thouſande fiue hundred, as before is expreſſed) marched on foot to Belefaſt, which is an arme of the ſea, a quarter of a mile broade, or little leſſe, and albeeit their weather were bitter and ouer nipping and no ſmall par|cell of the water were congealed with froſt,The Earle of Ormonde his toylſome tra|uaile. yet the Earle and his armie waded ouer on foote, to the great daunger as well of his perſon, as of the whole companie, whiche doubtleſſe was a valiaunt enterpriſe of ſo honourable a perſo|nage.