[1] The Earle of Ormonde verie loath, that ſo greate an attempt ſhoulde take ſo little effecte, dealt wyth him verie earneſtly, notwithſtan|ding his counſayle were bewrayed, to inuade hi [...] enimies, and his Lordſhippe ſhould be ſure to finde the armie ſo forwarde in aſſiſting hym in ſo famous an enterpriſe, as they would ſhew themſelues more willing to bicker wyth hys foes in Scotlande, than without ſkirmiſhing to returne to Irelande. For the Earle of Or|monde was of this nature,The Earle of Ormonde his propertie. that as hee woulde not beginne any martiall broyle raſhly or vn|aduiſedly, ſo be woulde not ſeeme to put it vppe lightly or eaſily.