[1] In the ſiege of Bollongne they ſtoode the armye in verye good ſteade. For they were not onely contented to burne and ſpoyle all the villages thereto adioyning, but alſo they would raunge twentie or thirtie miles into the maine [page 111] lande, [...]heir policie in [...]eying for armie. and hauing taken a Bull, they vſed to tie him to a ſtake, and ſcorching hym with fa|gottes, they woulde force him to roare, ſo as all the Cattell in the Countrey woulde make to|wardes the Bull, all which they woulde light|ly leade away, and furniſh the campe with ſtore of b [...]efe.