[1] The Lorde Iuſtice forthwith accompa|nied with the armie, and with two thouſand of the Pale, of which no ſmall number were eccle|ſiaſticall perſons, made towardes the rebelles, who vpon the approche of ſo greate an armie gaue ground and diſperſed themſelues in woods and marriſhes. The Lorde Iuſtice this not|withſtanding inuaded Oconour his Country, burnt his tenements, and made all his trenches with the multitude of Pioners ſo paſſable, as [page 110] foure hundred Cartes, beſide light cariage, were led without let through the Countrey. Ocon|nour ſoone after ſubmitted himſelfe,Oconour ſub|mitteth himſelfe to the Lorde Iuſtice. and ſent his ſonne Cormacke to the Lorde Iuſtice as hoſtage for his future obedience and loyaltie to the king his highneſſe.