[1] The Lord Leonard Gray, as is aforeſayd,Sir VVilliam Brereton Lorde Iuſtice. diſcharged, ſir William Brereton was conſti|tuted Lorde Iuſtice, whoſe ſhort gouernment was intangled with no little trouble. For al|beit he and Oneale fell to a reaſonable compo|ſition, yet other of the Iriſhe Lordings, namely Oconour and his adherents, that are content to liue as ſubiectes, as long as they are not able to holde out as rebelles, conſpired togither, and de|termined to aſſemble their power at the hyll of Fowre in weſt Methe, and ſo on a ſodaine to ranſacke the Pale.