[1] The daungers [...]nt happen to [...]ouernours of Prouinces.Whereby may bee gathered, with how ma|ny daungers they are inwrapped that gouerne Prouinces, wherein diligence is thwackt with hatred, negligence is loaden with tauntes, ſe|ueritie with perilles menaced, liberalitie with thankeleſſe vnkindneſſe contemned, conference to vndermining framed, flatterie to deſtruction forged, eche in countenaunce ſmyling, diuerſe in heart pouting, open fawning, ſecrete grud|ging, gaping for ſuche as ſhall ſucceede in go|uernment, honouring Magiſtrates with cappe and knee, as long as they are preſent, and car|ping them with tongue and penne, as ſoone as they are abſent.