[1] Betoa to thys aunſwered, that although it ſtoode wyth good reaſon, that ſuche as here|tofore taſted the ſweete in peace, ſhoulde nowe be contented to ſippe of the ſowre in warre: yet notwythſtanding, rather than the matter ſhoulde to hys honour lye in the duſt, he pro|miſed to breake through them, or elſe to lye in the water: and withall beeing ſurpaſſinglye mounted, for the Baron gaue hym a choyſe horſe, hee tooke the Standarde, and wyth a ſodayne ſhowte, hauing wyth him in the fore|ranke Mabe of Mabeſtowne (who at the firſt brunt was ſlaine) bee flung into the water;Mabe of Ma|beſtovvne ſlain. and charged the Iriſhe that ſtoode on the further ſhore.