[1] The Deputie by Spyes and ſecrete Meſ|ſengers hereof certified, cauſed the armie to tra|uaile the better part of the nyght, in ſo muche as by the dawning of the day, they were neare the Ryuer ſyde: where hauing eſcried the cul|mits, namely Magann [...]ſhe, and the Gallo|glaſſes, that were placed there to keepe the ſtraytes, (for Oneale wyth the mayne armye lurked in a Groue not farre off,) they beganne to ſette themſelues in battayle: array, as menne that were reſolued wyth all haſte and good ſpeede to ſuppriſe the enimys wyth a ſodayne charge.