[1] Truly and it like your Maieſtie (quoth Ayl|mer) among ſundrie reaſons that might be pro|bably alledged for the decay of that your King|dome, one chiefe occaſion is, that certaine of your Nobilitie of this your realme of England are ſeyſed of the better part of your Dominion in Irelande, whereof they haue ſo little keepe, as for lacke of theyr preſence, they ſuffer the ſayde landes to be ouerrunne by Rebelles and traytours. Wherefore if your highneſſe would prouide by Acte of Parliament, that all ſuche landes which by reaſon of their abſence may not be defended, ſhould be to your highneſſe by the conſent of the Nobilitie and Communaltie graunted, you might therby enrich your crown, repreſſe rebels, and defend your ſubiects from all trayterous inuaſion.