[1] His hoſpitali|tie and deuo|tion.His great hoſpitalitie is to this day rather of eche man commended, than of any one follo|wed. He was ſo religious addicted to the ſer|uing of God, as what tyme ſoeuer he trauayled to any part of the Countrey, ſuch as were of his Chapell, ſhould be ſure to accompanie him. A|mong other rare gyftes, hee was with one ſin|gular qualitie endued which were it put in prac|tiſe by ſuch as are of his calling, might miniſter great occaſion as well to the abandoning of flat|tring cary tales, as to the ſtayed quietneſſe of noble potentates.