[1] This Earle, of ſuch as did not ſtomacke his proceedings, was taken for one that bare hym|ſelfe in all his affayres verie honourably, a wiſe, deepe, and farre retebing man: in warre valy|ant without raſhneſſe, and politique wythoute treacherie. Such a ſuppreſſour of rebelles in his gouernment,His ſeruice. as they durſt not beare armour to the annoyance of any ſubiect, whereby he heaped no ſmall reuenues to the crowne, enryched the king his treaſure, garded with ſecuritie the pale, continued the honour of his houſe, and purchaſed enuie to his perſon.