Snippet: 245 of 344 (1577, Volume 3, p. 104)
[2] Much aboute this tyme was there a Par|liament holden at Dublin before the Lord
Leo|narde Gray Lorde Deputie,
A Parliament.
beginning the firſt of May, in the .xxviij. yeare of the raigne of
Henrie the eight. In this Parliament there paſt
An Act
- For the attainder of the Erle of Kil|dare, and Thomas Fitz Giralde,
with others.
- For the ſucceſſion of the King and Queene Anne.
- Of abſenties, wherein was graunted to the king the inheritance of ſuch
landes in Irelande, whereof the Duke of Norffolke, and George Talbot
Earle of Waterford and Solop were ſeyſed, with the inhe|ritances of
diuerſe other corpora|tions and couents demurrant in England.
- For the repeale of Ponings Act.
- Authoriſing the king, his heyres and ſucceſſours to be ſupreme heade
of the Church of Irelande.
- That no ſubiects or reſiants of Ire|lande ſhall purſue or commence,
vſe, or execute any maner of pro|uocations, appeales or other pro|ceſſe
from the Sea of Rome, vpon paine of incurring the prenmnire.
[page 105] Agaynſt ſuch as ſlaunder the King, or his heyres
- For the firſt fruites.
- Of ſir Walter Delahyde knight his landes in Carbeyre graunted to the
- How perſons robbed ſhall bee reſto|red to theyr goodes.
- Reſtrayning trybutes to be graunted to Iriſhmen.
- Agaynſt Proctors to be any mem|ber of the Parliament.
- Agaynſt marying or foſtering with or to Iriſhmen.
- Agaynſt the authoritie of the Sea of Rome.
- For the twentith part.
- For the Engliſh order, habite, and language.
- For the ſuppreſſing of Abbayes.
- For the lading of Wooll and flockes.
- For the proufe of Teſtaments.
- Of faculties.
- Declaring the effect of Ponings Act.
- Of penall ſtatutes.
- For the weres vpon Barrou, and o|ther waters in the Countrey of
- For the perſon of Dongarun.
- For leazers of corne.