[1] And thus ſurceaſſing to treate any further of his aduentures, vntill the date of time trayne my penne to a longer diſcourſe, I will returne to the inhabitants of the Engliſh Pale, who af|ter the death of Thomas Fitz Giralde, through rigour of iuſtice, and the due execution of lawes, were greatly moleſted. For ouer this, that ſuch as were knowne for open and apparant tray|tours in the commotion, were for the more part executed, or with rounde ſummes fined, or from the realme exiled: certaine gentlemen of wor|ſhip were ſent from Englande,Commiſsio|ners ſent to Ireland. with Commiſ|ſion to examine eche perſon ſuſpected wyth Thomas his treaſon, and ſo according to theyr diſcretion, eyther with equitie to execute, or with clemencie to pardon all ſuch as they could proue to haue furthered hym in his diſloyall Com|motion.