[1] Hauing therefore poſted his ſeruantes in haſt to a village harde by Rome (named Tre|cappan) for Ropes and other neceſſaries,Trecappan. he cau|ſed one of the companie to glide in a Baſket, downe to the bottom of the hole. Fitz Giralde reuiued with his preſence, and willing to bee re|moued from ſo darkſome a dungeon to the open ayre, beſought the other to lende him his roome, wherevpon he was haled vp in the Baſket, as well to the generall admiration of the whole companie, as to the ſingular gratulation of the Cardinall and all his friends, rendring moſt heartie thankes to God his diuine Maieſtie, for protecting the Gentleman with his gracious guerdon.