[1] During the time that he was in ſeruice with the Duke of Florence, he trauayled to Rome a ſhrouing, of ſet purpoſe to be merie: and as hee road an hunting with Cardinall Ferneiſe the Pope his nephew, it happened that in chaſing the Bucke,He falleth in|to a deepe pit. he fel into a pitte. xxix fatham deepe, and in the fall forſaking his horſe within two fathams of the bottom, he tooke holde by two or three rootes, gryping them faſt, vntill his armes were ſo wearie, as he coulde hang no longer in that paine. Wherefore betaking himſelfe to God, he let goe his gripe by little and little, and fell ſoftly on his horſe, that in the bottome of the pit lay ſtarke dead, and there he ſtoode vp to the Anckles in water, for the ſpace of three houres. When the chaſe was ended, an exceeding good Greyhoũd of his named Grifhound, not finding his maiſter in the companie,His Greyhoũd fin [...]eth him out. followed his tracte vntill hee came to the pitte, and from thence woulde not depart, but ſtoode at the brimme in|ceſſauntly houling. The Cardinall Ferneiſe and his traine miſſing Fitz Girald, made towardes the dogge, and ſurueying the place, they were verily perſwaded that the Gentleman was ſqui|ſed to death.