[1] The Cardinall greatly ioyed in his kinneſ|man, had him carefully trayned vp in his houſe,Cardinal Pole his order in trayning yong Fitz Giralde. interlacing with ſuch diſcretion his learning and ſtudies, with exerciſes of actiuitie, as he ſhoulde not be after accounted of the learned for an ig|norant idiot, nor taken of actiue Gentlemen for a deade and dumpiſh meacocke. If he had com|mitted any fault, the Cardinall would ſecretly commaund his Tutors to correct him, and all that notwithſtanding, hee woulde in preſence dandle the boy, as though he were not priuie to his puniſhment: and vpon any complaint made he vſed to checke Fitz Giralde his maiſters o|penly for chaſtiſing ſo ſeuerely his pretie dar|ling.