[1] Hauing in this wiſe remayned at Liege for halfe a yeare,Gardinal Pole ſendeth for Fitz Giralde. the Cardinall Poole (Fitz Giralde his kinneſman) ſent for him to Rome, wherevp|on the Gentleman as well with the Emperour his licence, as with ſurrendring his penſion, tra|uayled to Italy, where the Cardinall woulde not admit him to his companie, vntill he had at|teyned to ſome knowledge in the Italian tong. Wherefore allowing him an annuitie of three C. crownes, he placed him with the Biſhop of Verona, and the Cardinall of Mantua, and af|ter with the duke of Mantua.