[1] Maiſter Wallop herevppon addreſſed his Letters to Englande, ſpecifying to the Coun|ſaile the French kings anſwere, and in the mean tyme the yong Fitz Girald hauing an ynckling of the Ambaſſadour his motion,Fitz Giralde flieth to Flan|ders. fledde ſecretely to Flaunders, ſcantly reaching to Valencie, when Iames Sherelocke, one of Maiſter Wal|lop his men,Iames Sher|locke purſu|eth Fitz Gi|ralde. did not onely purſue him, but al|ſo did ouertake him, as he ſoiourned in the ſayd towne.