[1] But ſhortly after, the Gentlewoman either by ſome ſecrete friend enformed, or of wiſedome gathering, that hir late maryed huſbande enten|ded ſome trecherie, had hir nephew diſguiſed, ſcoring him like a liberall and bountifull Aunt,The Ladie E|lenors libera|litie. with ſeuen ſcore Porteguſes, not onely in va|loure, but alſo in the ſelfe ſame coyne, inconti|nently ſhipped him ſecretly in a Brytons veſ|ſell of Saint Malouſe, betaking him to God,Fitz Giralde ſayleth to Fraunce. and to their charge that accompanied him, to wit, maiſter Lenrouſe, and Robert Walſh ſom|time ſeruant to his father the Earle.