[1] This noble woman was at that time a wi|dow, alwayes knowne and accounted of eche man, that was acquainted with hir conuerſa|tion of life, for a paragon of liberalitie and kind|neſſe, in all hir actions vertuous and godly, and alſo in a good quarell rather ſtout than ſtiffe. To hir was Odoneyl an importunate ſuyter, and although at ſundrie tymes before ſhe ſeemed to ſhake him off, yet conſidering the diſtreſſe of hir yong innocent nephew, how hee was forced to wander in Pilgrimwiſe from houſe to houſe, eſ|chuing the puniſhment that others deſerued, ſmarted in his tender yeares with aduerſitie, be|fore he was of diſcretion to enioy any proſperi|tie ſhe began to encline to hir wooer his requeſt, to the ende hir nephew ſhould haue bene the bet|ter by his countenaunce ſhouldered, and in fine indẽted to eſpouſe him, with this caueat or pro|uiſo, that he ſhoulde ſafely ſhield and protect the ſayde yong Gentleman in this his calamitie. This condition agreed vpon, ſhee road with hir nephew to Odoneyl his countrey, and there had him ſafely kept for the ſpace of a yeare.