[1] The aduen|tures of the yong Fitz Gi|rald, ſonne to the Lady Gray Counſelle of Kildare.But to returne to the courſe of the Hyſtorie, when Thomas and his vncles were taken, hys ſecond brother on the father his ſyde, named Gi|rald Fitz Girald (who was after in the raigne of Queene Marie reſtored to the Earledome of Kildare, in which honor as yet he liueth, beeing at that time ſomewhat paſt twelue, and not full thirtene yeares of age, lay ſick of the ſmal pocks, in the Countie of Kildare, at a towne named Donoare,Donoare. then in the occupation of Girald Fitz Giralde.Thomas Len|rouſe. Thomas Lenrouſe, who was the childe his ſchoolemaiſter, and after became Bi|ſhop of Kildare, miſtruſting vpon the apprehen|ſion of Thomas and his Vncles, that all went not currant, wrapt the yong pacient as tenderly as he could, and had him conueyed in a cleefe with all ſpeede to Ophaly, where ſoiourning for a ſhort ſpace with his ſiſter the Ladie Mary Fitz Giralde, vntill he had recouered his perfite health, his ſchoolemaſter caryed him to Odoon his Countrey, where making his aboade for a quarter of a yeare, he trauayled to Obrene hys Countrey in Mounſter, and hauing there re|mayned for halfe a yeare, bee repayred to hys aunte the Ladie Elenore Fitz Giralde, who then kept in Mack Carty Reagh,Elenore Fitz Giralde. hir late huſ|band his territories.