[1] This Thomas Fitz Giralde,The deſcrip|tion of Tho|mas Fitz Gi|ralde. as before is ſpecified, was borne in Englande, vpon whom nature poured beautie, and fortune by byrth be|ſtowed Nobilitie, which had it beene well em|ployed, and were it not, that his rare gyftes had bene blemiſhed by his later euill qualities, hee would haue proued an ympe worthie to bee en|graft in ſo honourable a ſtocke. Hee was of ſtature tall and perſonable, in countenance ami|able, a white face, and withall ſomewhat ruddie, delicately in eche lymme featured, a rolling [page 102] tongue and a riche vtterance, of nature flexible and kinde, verie ſoone caryed where hee fanſied, eaſily with ſubmiſſion appeaſed, hardly wyth ſtubbornneſſe weyed, in matters of importance an headlong hoteſpurre, yet natheleſſe taken for a yong man not deuoyde of witte, were it not, as it fell out in the ende, that a foole had the kee|ping thereof.