[1] Thus were the fiue brethren ſayling into Englande, among whome Richarde Fitz Gi|ralde being more bookiſh than the reſt of his bre|thren, and one that was much giuen to the ſtu|dies of antiquitie, veyling his inwarde griefe, with outward myrth comforted them wyth cheerefulneſſe of countenance, as well perſwa|ding them that offended to repoſe affiaunce in God, and the King his mercie, and ſuch as were not of that conſpiracie,Innocencie a ſtrong fort. to relie to theyr inno|cencie, which they ſhould hold for a more ſafe & ſtrong Barbican, than any rampire or Caſtell of Braſſe.