[1] Thomas ſay|leth into Eng|land.Herevpon Thomas Fitz Giralde ſore a|gaynſt the willes of his Counſaylours diſmiſt his armie, and roade with the Deputie to Dub|lyn,1535 where he made ſhort abode when hee ſayled to Englande with the fauourable letters of the gouernour and the Counſayle. And as hee woulde haue taken his iourney to Windſore where the Court lay,He is commit+ted to the Tower. he was intercepted contra|rie to his expectation in London way, and con|ueyed with haſt to the Tower. And before his impriſonment were bruted, letters were poſted into Irelande, ſtraytly commaunding the De|putie vpon ſight of them, to apprehend Thomas Fitz Girald his vncles, and to ſee them with all ſpeede conuenient ſhipt into England. Which the Lorde Deputie did not ſlacke. For hauing feaſted three of the Gentlemen at Kylmaynan,Thomas his vncles taken. immediately after their banquet (as it is nowe and then ſeene, that ſweete meate will haue ſowre ſauce) he cauſed them to be manacled, and led as priſoners to the Caſtell of Dublin: and the other two were ſo roundly ſnatcht vp in vil|lages hard by, as they ſooner felt theyr owne captiuitie, than they had notice of theyr bre|threns calamitie.