[1] Breerton ſkir|miſheth with Fitz Girald.With Fitz Giralde ſir William Breerton ſkirmiſhed ſo fiercely, as both the ſides were ra|ther for the great ſlaughter diſaduantaged, than eyther part by any great victorie furthered, Ma|ſter Brereton therefore perceyuing that rough Nettes were not the fitteſt to take ſuch peart byrdes, gaue his aduice to the Lorde Deputie to grow with Fitz Girald by faire meanes to ſome reaſonable compoſition. The Deputie liking of the motion, craued a parlee, ſending certaine of the Engliſhe as hoſtages to Thomas hys campe with a protection directed vnto him, to come and go at will and pleaſure.