[1] The gentlewoman with theſe continuall ſtormes heartbroken,Gennet Eu|ſtace dieth. deceaſſed in the Caſtell: from thence hir bodie was remoued to the gray Friers with the Deputie his commaundement, that it ſhould not be enterred, vntill his pleaſure were further knowne, adding withall, that the carkaſſe of one who was the mother of ſo arrant an Archtraytor, ought rather to be caſt out on a Dunghill to be carion for Rauens and Dogs to gnaw vpon, than to be layd in any Chriſtian graue. The corps lying foure or fiue dayes in this plight, at the requeſt of the Ladie Gennet Golding, wife to ſir Iohn White knight, the gouernour licenced, that it ſhould be buried.