[1] The knight and his wife, lying in dureſſe for the ſpace of twelue Monethes, were at ſeue|rall tymes examined, and notwithſtanding all preſumptions and ſurmiſes that coulde bee ga|thered, they were in the ende founde guiltleſſe of their ſonne his folly. But the Ladie was had in examination apart, and intyced by fayre mea|nes, to charge hir huſbande with hir ſonne hys rebellion, who being not woonne thereto with al the meanes that coulde be wrought, was mena|ced to be put to death, or to be rackt, and ſo with [page 100] extremitie to be compelled, whereas with gen|tleneſſe ſhe could not be allured to acknowledge theſe apparant treaſons, that neyther hir huſ|bande nor ſhe coulde without great ſhew of im|pudencie denie.