[1] An other tyme bee fired a Village harde by Trim, and deuiſed ſuch of his horſemen that coulde ſpeake Engliſh, beeing clad and horſed like Northerne men, to ryde to Trim, where a garniſon lay, with hue and crie, ſaying that they were Captaine Saliſburie his ſouldiours, and that the traytour Thomas Fitz Giralde was burning a village harde by. The ſouldiours ſuſ|pecting no coſinage, iſſued out of the towne, who were by his men charged, and a great number of them ſlaine, ſome chaſed to the towne, and forced to take Sanctuarie in the Church yarde, which thoſe dayes was highly reuerenced.