[1] The Lord Deputie hauing intelligence of his approch,Brereton left to defende Dublin. left Sir William Brereton at Dublin to defende the Citie, and marched with the ar|my to the Naas,Galloglaſſes taken and ſlayne. where he tooke ſeauen ſcore of Thomas his galloglaſſes, and led them all vn|armed toward Ioneſtowne. The ſkoutewatch eſpying Thomas to march neere, imparted it to the gouernour, who incontinently commaun|ded eache man to kyll hys priſoner before the charge, whyche was diſpatcht, only Edmond [page 99] Oleyn eſcaping mother naked by flight to Tho|mas his companie,Edmõd Oleyn [...]apeth. leauing his ſhyrt in his kee|pers hande. Both the armies aduaunced them|ſelues one agaynſt the other, but the horſemen of eyther ſyde coulde not charge, by reaſon of a mariſh or quakemyre that parted thẽ. Wher|fore the Deputie cauſed two or three field pee|ces to be diſcharged,Thomas and [...]s companie [...]eth which ſkattered Thomas and his rablement, inſomuch as he neuer in ſuch open wiſe durſt after beare vp head in the Eng|liſh pale,Fitz Girald his [...]ratagems. but rather by ſtartes and ſodaine ſtra|tagemes, would now and then gal the Engliſh. As when the Caſtell of Rathimgan was woon, whiche was ſoone after the ſurrender of May|noth, hee cauſed a droue of Cattell to appeare timely in the morning hard by the towne. Such as kept the Fort ſuſpecting it to be a bootie, were trayned for the more part out of the Caſtel, who were ſurpriſed by Thomas, that lay hard by in Ambuſhe, and the greater number of them ſlaine.