[1] The Deputie returneth to Dublin Thomas Fitz Girald mar|cheth towards Maynoth.The Deputie hauing left a garriſon in ye Ca|ſtell, returned with the army triumphantly to Dublin. Thomas Fitz Girald not miſdoubting but ſuche as hee left in the Caſtell were able to ſtand to their tacklings, leuied an huge army in Oconoure his Countrey, and in Connaght, to the number of ſeuen thouſande, marching with them towards Maynoth, minding to haue re|moued the king his army from the ſiege, but be|ing certified, that Pareſe his foſter brother, yeel|ded vppe the Caſtell to the Deputie, the better part of his company gaue him the ſlippe Al this notwithſtanding he made with ſuch as woulde ſticke to him to Clane.