[1] Whereat, M. Boice,Boice. a Gentleman of wor|ſhip and one that reteyned to that olde Earle of Kildare, ſtanding in the preaſſe, ſaide in Iriſhe,Antragh. Antragh, whiche is aſmuch in Engliſh, as too late, whereof grewe the Iriſh prouerbe,The Prouerb. Too late quoth Boyce. to thys day in ye language vſed, Too late quoth Boice, as we ſay, bewart of had I wiſt, or after meate muſtard, or you come a day after ye faire, or bet|ter done than ſayde. The Deputie demaunded them that ſtoode by what was that he ſpake, M. Boyce willing to expounde his owne wordes, ſtept forth and anſwered, my Lord, I ſaid no|thing, but that Pareſe is ſeized of a towne neere the water ſyde named Baltra,Baltra. and I woulde gladly know how he wil diſpoſe it before hee bee executed. The gouernoure not miſtruſting, that M. Boice had glozed (for if he had vnderſtood ye true ſignification of the tearme, it was very like that too late had not bin ſo ſharp to Pareſe, but too ſoone had bin as ſoure to him) willed the mo|ney to bee tolde to Pareſe, and preſently cauſed him to be cut ſhorter by the head:Pareſe behea|ded. declaring ther|by, that although for the time he embraced the benefyte of the treaſon, yet after he could not di|geſt the treacherie of the Traytor.