[1] Pareſe taking his tide and time, made ſigne to the army, betwene the twilight
and dawning of the day, who hauing ſkaling ladders in a rea|dineſſe, wolde not
ouer [...]p the oportunitie offe|red. Holland,Holland, Petit
Captaine to Salisburie. petite captaine to Suliſbury was one of the
forewardeſt in this exploite, who lea|ping downe from the wall, fell by miſhap
into a pipe of feathers,The Caſtell taken. where he
was vp to the arme pittes, ſo ſtiffely ſticking therein, & alſo ſo
vn|wealdye in his armour, as hee coulde not helpe himſelf neither in or
out.Brereton ſea|leth the walles Sir William
Brere|ton and his hande hauing ſkaled the walles cri|ed on a ſodaine, S.
George, S. George. Three drunken ſwaddes that kepte the caſtell thought that
this ſhoute was noughte elſe but a dreame, til time they eſpied the walles full
of armed mẽ, & one of thẽ withal perceiuyng Hollãd thus en|tangled
in ye pype, beſtowed an arrow vpõ him, which by good hap did miſſe him.
Hollãd forth|with reſcued by his fellowes, ſhot at the other, & ſtrake
him ſo full vnder the ſkull, as he left him ſprauling. The reſiſtance was
faint, when the Souldyers entred, ſome yeelding themſelues, o|thers that
withſtood them ſlayne.Brereton ad|uaunceth hys
Standerd. Sir William Brereton ranne vp to the higheſt turret of the
Caſtel, and aduaunced his Standerd on the top there of, notifying to the
Deputie, yt the ſort was wonne. Great and rich was the ſpoile, ſuch ſtore of
beddes, ſo many goodly hangings, ſo riche a Wardrob, ſuch braue furniture, as
truely it was accompted for houſholde ſtuffe and vtenſiles, one of the richeſt
Earle his houſes, vnder the Crowne of Englande.
The Lorde Deputie en|treth the Ca|ſtell. Iames Dela|hide. Haywarde. Dulcis amica.