[1] Some reporte, that one of the Mooſgraues, who was of kinne to Fitz Giralde, was ſlayne in this conflict, whoſe deathe hee is ſaid to haue taken greately to hearte. The Rebelles fleſht with the ſlaughter of the Engliſhe, hyed with al ſpeede ſo Howeth, ſhotte at the Shyppes that rode at anchor, cauſed them to flie from thẽce, and to make towardes Skerriſh, where landed both the Eglebees,Eglebees. Dakers. and the Dakers with theyr horſemen Roukes, Fitz Girald his Pirat, was ſent to ſcoure the coaſt, who tooke an Engliſhe barke laden with very faire geldings,Engliſh gel|dings taken. and ſente them to hys Captayne.