[1] As for the ſeconde and thirde demaunde, they were ſo greatly by his warres empoueriſhed, as they myght hardly ſpare money or wares: and as touching implementes for warre, they were neuer ſuch fond niddicockes, as to offer any mã a rodde to beate their owne tayles, or to betake their maſtiues to the cuſtodie of the Woolues, maruelling much, that their Captayne woulde ſo farre ouerſhoote himſelfe, as to bee taken with ſuch apparant repugnancie. For if hee intended to ſubmitte himſelfe to the King his mercy, and to make them humble meanes to his highneſſe for the obteining of his pardon, he ought rather to make ſute for ſome good vellam parchmente for the ingroſſing thereof, than for munitiõ and artillerie to withſtande his Prince: wherefore that three vnlawfull demaundes reiected, they would willingly condiſcend to the firſt and laſt, as well requeſting hym to deliuer them the youth of the Citie, as to ſubmitte himſelfe and his company to the King his mercy, promiſing not only with their fauourable letters, but alſo with their perſonall preſences to further, as far as in them lay, hys humble ſure to the King and Counſell.