[1] That eſpyed the Citizens, and gathe|ring the faintneſſe of his Souldyers thereby, blazed abrode vppon the walles triumphante newes, that the King hys army was arriued, and as it hadde bin ſo in deede,The Citizens bicker with the Rebelles. ſuddaynely to the number of foure hundred, ruſhed out at the newe gate through flame and fyre vppon the Rebelles, who at the firſt ſighte of armed men, weening no leſſe, but the trueth was ſo, other|wiſe aſſured, that the Citie woulde neuer dare to reencounter them, gaue grounde, forſooke theyr Captaynes, diſperſed and ſcattered in|to dyuers corners, theyr Falcon taken, an hun|dred of their ſtouteſt galloglaſſes ſlayne.