[1] The Towneſmen perceyuing that if ye gate were brent, the enimies woulde bee encouraged vpon hope of the ſpoyle, to venter more fiercely, than if they wer encountred without ye walles, thoughte it expedient preſently to charge them: to this exployte they were the more egrely mo|ued, bycauſe that notwithſtanding Thomas his Souldyers were many in number, yet they knewe that the better parte of his company bare but hollowe hartes to the quarrell: for the num|ber of the wiſe Gentlemen of the pale did little or nothing encline to his purpoſe. And therefore when hee beſieged the Citie, the moſt parte of thoſe arrowes, which were ſhot ouer the walles, were vnheaded, and nothyng annoyed them: ſome ſhotte in letters, and foretolde them of all the treacherous ſtratagemes that were in ham|mering.