[1] Richarde Stanton.Richard Stanton, commonly called Dicke Stanton, then gaylour of the new gate, a good ſeruitoure, an excellente markman, as his vali|ant ſeruice that time dyd approue. For beſides that hee galde dyuers of the Rebelles as they woulde ſkippe from houſe to houſe, by cauſing ſome of them with hys peece, to carrie theyr erraundes in their buttockes, hee perceyued one of the enimies, leueling at the windowe or, ſpike at which he ſtoode: but whether it were, that the Rebell his pouder faylde him or ſome gimbol or other was out of frame, Stanton tooke hym ſo truely for his marke, as hee ſtrake him with hys bullet full in the forehead vnder ye brimme of hys ſcull, and withall, turned vp his heeles.