[1] [2] The Aldermen and communaltie, wyth thys pithie perſwaſion eaſily weighed,The Dublini|ans breake with Thomas Fitz Girald. gaue forthwith order, that the gates ſhould be ſhutte, their perculliſſes diſmounted, the Traitors that beſieged the Caſtell apprehended, flagges of defyance vpon their walles placed, and an opẽ breach of truce proclaymed. Field and his com|panyes (who did not all this while batter aught of the Caſtell, but only one hole that was bored through the gate with a pellet, which lighted in the mouth of a demy Canon, planted within the Caſtell) vnderſtanding that they were be|trayed, beganne to ſhrinke their heads, truſtyng more to their hecles than to their weapõs, ſome ranne one way,Field and his company taken. ſome another, diuers thoughte to haue bin houſed, and ſo to lurke in Lorelles denne, who where thruſt out by the head and ſhoulders: few of them ſwamme ouer the Liffy, ye greater number takẽ and empriſoned. Forth|with poſt vppon poſt rode to Thomas Fitz Gi|rald, who then was rifling the Countrey of Kilkenny, certifying him that all was marde, the fat was in the fire, he brought an olde houſe about his owne cares, the Paltockes of Dublin kept not touche with him, the engliſh army was ready to bee ſhipt, Herbert with the Kyng hys letters returned, now it ſtoode him vpon to ſhew himſelfe a man or a mouſe.