[1] During the tyme that Thomas with his ar|my was ranſacking the Earle of Oſſory hys lands,Frances Her|bert returneth from England. Francis Herbert returned from Englãd to Dublin with the Kyng and Counſells let|ters to Maiſter Shillingforth then Maior,Shillingforth. and his breethren, with letters likewiſe to maiſter White the Conſtable, to withſtande (as theyr duetie of allegiance bound them) the trayterous practiſes of Thomas and hys complices, & that with al ſpeede they ſhould be ſuccoured vpon the ſight of theſe letters.Thomas Fitz Simons. M. Thomas Fitz Simons [page 94] Recorder of the Citie, a Gentleman that ſhe|wed himſelfe a politique and a cõfortable Coũ|ſayler in theſe troubles, paraphraſing the Kyng his gratious letters, with diuers good and ſound conſtructions, emboldned the Citizens to breake their new made league,No league to be kept with Traytors. which with no Traytor was to be kept.