[1] [page 93] The Caſtell of Dublin be| [...]eged.The Caſtell beeyng wyth men, munition, and vittayles, abundantly furniſhed, aunſwere was returned to Thomas Fitz Girald, purpor|ting a conſent for ye receyuing of his Souldiers, which graunted,Field. Waffer. Teling. Roukes. he ſent thither Iames Field of Luſke. Nicholas Waffer, Iohan Teling, Ed|ward Roukes (who was likewiſe a Pirat, ſcou|ring the coaſt, and greatly annoying all paſſen|gers) Broade and Purſel with an hũdred ſoul|diers attendant on thẽ, as on their Captaynes. Theſe valiant ruttrekinnes planted neere Pre|ſton his Innes, right ouer againſte the Caſtell gate two or three Falcons, hauyng with ſuche ſtrong rampiers entrenched their company, as they little weighed the ſhot of the Caſtell, and to withdrawe the Conneſtable from diſcharging ye ordinance, they threatned to take the youth of ye Citie, and place them on the toppe of theyr trẽ|ches for maiſter Conſtable to ſhoote at, as at a marke he would be loath to [...]tte.