[1] The Citizens conſidering that the Towne, by reaſon of the ſickneſſe, was weakened, and by this late ouerthrowe greately diſcouraged, were forced to make a vertue of neceſſitie, by lighting a candle before the Deuill, til tyme the Kyng hys pleaſure were knowen, to whome wyth letters they poſted one of their Aldermen, named Francis Herbert,Francis Her|bert ſent into England. Euſtace of Balicutlan. whome ſhortly after, ye King for his ſeruice dubbed knight, enfeoffing him with parte of Chriſtopher Euſtace of Ba|lintlan his landes, who had vnaduiſedly a foote in this Rebellion. But before ye Citizens would returne aunſwere to Thomas, as touching this meſſage, they ſecretly aduertiſed maiſter Iohan White, Conneſtable of the Caſtell, of this vn|lawfull demaunde.