[1] Hauing ended his Oration, which hee ſette forth with ſuche a lamentable action, as his chee|kes were all beblubbered with teares, the horſe|men, namely ſuch as vnderſtoode not Engliſhe, began to diuine what the Lorde Chauncellour ment with all this long circumſtance, ſome of them reporting that hee was preaching a Ser|mon, others ſayd, that he ſtoode making of ſome Heroicall Poetrie in the prayſe of the Lorde Thomas. And thus as euery Idiot ſhot his foo|liſhe bolt at the wiſe Counſalour his diſcourſe, who in effect did nought elſe but drop precious ſtones before Hogges, one Bard de Nelan,Bard de Nelan an Iriſhe rithmour, and a rotten ſheepe able to in|fect an whole flocke, was chatting of Iriſh ver|ſes, as though his tongue had runne on pattens, in commendation of the Lorde Thomas, inue|ſting him with the tytle of ſilken Thomas,Silken Tho|mas. by|cauſe his horſemens iacks were gorgeouſly em|brodered with ſilke: and in the ende he tolde him that hee lingred there ouerlong. Whereat the Lorde Thomas being quickned, did caſt hys eye towardes the Lorde Chauncellour, and ſayde: